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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by burntorangebongos

  1. His shoe came off so he came out of the game.
  2. Is Freeze the guy that set up hookers with university phones? What a fucking maroon.
  3. find you legs, Auburn D. Fuck them up here.
  4. Auburn shittig the bed. Oh,, well haahahahhahahahahahahaahahaha
  5. Dear sweet 7.3 lb baby Jezus, please help these shitty Auburn Tigers do bad things to the Aggys so that I can laugh my ass off some more. Amens
  6. Fuck......bad field position for Barners.
  7. Fuckin' shit punt. I hope the Ags fuck this gift field position up so I can still giggle. Fucking Auburn Assholes.
  8. He did NOT break the plane. hahahahaah
  9. That fucking Aggy crossed the 1st yard line with forward progress. If the refs fuck them I will laugh!!! hahah
  10. This is soo fucking bad....I can't believe that they won't climb back out of this but then I remember that I am talking about Aggy and I know that these bitches will roll over and die.
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