I don't really visit a lot of social media sites, reddit and twitter a bit but usually if I get directed from here and go down a rabbit hole of seeing other videos. But lately, to kill time, I watch You Tube shorts. Mostly to see cute animal stories and the like. I noticed that the shorts started trying to show me Trump rally videos but I kept by passing them for more animal ones and such.... but the things it kept trying to feed me were bad Karen behavior on planes and shit like that. I had to keep by passing. Finally, it fed me videos of Democrat speakers and I would watch one or two maybe. Mostly, I kept by passing for the funny and cute. But once you watch one or two....it keeps feeding you similar. Then this guy come on....it was a shorter version of this speech but I watched intrigued. Thanks I guess, weird social media algorithms, for putting him on my radar but this shit is creepy. I just want to watch cooking vids and cute animals, but now I know this guy and his opinion about Christian Nationals. I can no longer find the You Tube short of him, but I found his speech and agree with most of what he says. Now I'm worried if I keep watching shorts, I'll get radical Buddhist vids, but oh well.