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  1. I was expecting some local NOLA talent like Crowbar or Goatwhore. What a disappointment.
  2. Did he remember his claw hammer?
  3. Some shit band called Live in the mid- to late 90s at Meriwether Post pavilion somewhere in Maryland. Abysmal.
  4. GG Allin or El Duce from the Mentors. It's a toss up.
  5. Amber Waves at Voodoo Brewing in Roswell, GA. I expected this place to suck, but it doesn't.
  6. Whenever I think of Louisville baseball, I remember watching a postseason game they were hosting. From the CF camera you could see past the catcher, through a tunnel, and out on to the street in front of the stadium. It was bizarre.
  7. Ike Irish is a funny name
  8. České tmavé pivo from Perennial out of St. Louis:
  9. Candlemass on Candlemas
  10. Murph says 14 days until baseball:
  11. Here's a pretty solid "English Ale" from one of metro Atlanta's better breweries. Good Word is worth a visit if you ever find yourself in Gwinnett County. Perhaps at a minor league baseball game or visiting the site of the Larry Flynt shooting.
  12. Would Donovan Forbes make the top 500?
  13. "Never been in this opportunity before." Uttered by someone who is paid to speak English.
  14. Is Schilling distributed in Texas? Highly recommended if you enjoy traditional Czech and German styles
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