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  1. Tristan says 35 days until baseball.
  2. Anything from Howard would be a huge, unexpected bonus. I really like the fact that we've brought in enough talent to push the two top SP's from last year to weekday starts or long relief (potentially).
  3. A Voodoo Brewing Co. outpost just opened near me in the nondescriptest of nondescript strip malls in the north ATL burbs. I predict it will be done by summer. I'll try to remember the "RIP" post.
  4. What roles do we envision for last year's starting pitchers: Grubbs, Ace, Howard(!)? How about Easton Tumis? Still in the mix?
  5. Can't wait for a FG attempt from Patterson with the playoffs on the line.
  6. Koo with one leg is better than this scrub kicker
  7. Did you watch him at all when he was with the Falcons?
  8. Nice nice catch catch Ray Ray .
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