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Everything posted by zlavydra

  1. I think that's 28 ER in the last 15 innings from Howard. That's Maryland Eastern Shore-level awful.
  2. Pierce: "You're staying out here unless/until you give up 10. Nut up."
  3. The only thing that could possibly piss me off in this game is a Cody Baylor Howard appearance.
  4. Hey! The LF who made a nice play to end the inning is actually up first.
  5. Coldiron cooling off considerably. Coach hung him out to dry.
  6. Galvan hit that ball harder than Kimble hit the homer.
  7. I would if I were anywhere near there. I'm planning on seeing Tomb Mold in July when they tour with Horrendous.
  8. Wrong. I've never knowingly heard a Dave Matthews song without turning it off immediately.
  9. Which is a shame, considering how this team hits (generally).
  10. Is Cody Howard in the running?
  11. I haven't watched them play at all, but a purely statistical evaluation leads me to the conclusion that the Pokes have some real pitchers on the roster.
  12. Don't give this guy an out. He's awful
  13. Need to score tickets for Walker Hayes at an Okie casino.
  14. Tole just has no stuff. You have to hope those ropes find gloves. Thanks Pierce.
  15. Nice play, Arnoldson Palmer. Uncompetitive AB ends the inning
  16. Well done,Will. Would have been easy to chase that
  17. I don't think we have anyone they won't square up. It's just a matter of limiting walks and hoping liners find gloves.
  18. Flores got a decent pitch and doubles.
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