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Everything posted by zlavydra

  1. Now alone in 4th place, a game ahead of....Baylor? That tells you everything you need to know about this conference.
  2. I wonder if Pierce getting in the home plate umps ear after the Galvan whiff made any difference with these calls.
  3. I hope borba makes the third out as well
  4. Things aren't "going right" for Texas. They're crushing bad pitches and playing good baseball
  5. I always tell myself, "at least it's not just our guys who make terrible pitches "
  6. 8-6. But please don't slide into first base, Dee.
  7. Borba had no chance against the big, tough Houston hurler
  8. Can't expect Ace to miss bats. This was bound to happen, but we should be absolutely crushing the crap the Presbyterian transfer is tossing up there.
  9. Three balls hit with 100+ exit velocity so far off Ace. No damage so far.
  10. This guy shut down Baylor and Binghamton, so don't expect much contact.
  11. Lucky pop up single scores one. Kimble should have annihilated that pitch.
  12. Kennedy late on a huge meatball curve. Sad.
  13. I just can't wrap my head around the complete dearth of pitching talent. Sure, the Santos and Mercer injuries were bad luck, but Pierce had to know about Rigney's fucked up delivery and certainty of his demise. Same (or similar) with Witt. Unwise to put that much pressure on him So here we are throwing uber-JAGs Whitehead and Grubbs out there. Nothing at all against those guys, who I think give it their all, but they aren't UT weekend starters.
  14. Yeah, I'm there as well. At least I've saved myself the effort of driving to Orlando for a weekend of watching this shit.
  15. There's also the problem of a severe lack of pitching talent. Also Pierce's fault.
  16. I think he's been touched for a cool 20 ER in his last 13 innings.
  17. This Baylor reject should never see the mound again.
  18. Thomas swinging for the fences every time.
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