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Everything posted by zlavydra

  1. A win tomorrow puts us in 2nd place, one game behind OU.
  2. Duplantier is not even close to the worst pitcher on the staff
  3. Pitcher has absolutely nothing.
  4. That's some old-time baseball. Announcer should be psyched.
  5. This guy has given up 4 bombs in 16 innings
  6. Some days you're the windshield. Some days you're the bug. But every day, you're stuck in Manhattan,KS.
  7. There are bad pitches, and then there's that abomination from KState Cy Young
  8. Powell has taken some terrible swings the last two nights
  9. Thanks for the"old time baseball" yarn.
  10. Never came close to making contact.
  11. This guy started the Sunday game last year and we Baylorized him.
  12. Tole and Howard should never see the mound again
  13. Tole has worse stuff than every guy Corpus trotted out there.
  14. Freshman panicked.
  15. Leadoff single, then three bad ABs
  16. If there were ever a time to slide in to first base, that was it.
  17. Thanks, Power Cat idiot. 8-3.
  18. Just catching up. How terrible was K State starter? Baylor bad?
  19. Sweet bat flip after the walk, down 4 runs
  20. You'd think they'd be lining up for the David Pierce pitching instruction experience.
  21. 5.1 IP, 3 ER against a scrub pitcher on a night with the wind blowing out. Why? Because he didn't walk anyone.
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