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Everything posted by zlavydra

  1. Dude pitched really well. It'll be a positive in the long run to face a tough lefty early in the year.
  2. Keith sounded the opposite of excited about that pick off play.
  3. Is that El Duce with the "K" signs?
  4. Any lefty who can get up to 93 and throw a breaking ball consistently for a strike is going to be successful in college ball.
  5. Lots of weirdness this inning. Doing enough to probably get this guy out of the game after 80-odd pitches.
  6. Second good swing of the night results in the first hit. That's 65 pitches at this point, after he had only thrown 29 after 2.1 innings.
  7. We have a strutter. Biggest third out of the third inning EVER!
  8. Serious man crush on Cal poly clean up hitter.
  9. Revisiting some classic Dutch DM: Who else is going to Hells Heroes next month in Houston?
  10. I think Keith mentioned Tuesday night that this Sunday's game would be shown on LHN in the evening, rather than live. Did anyone else catch that?
  11. I've heard (hopefully unfounded) rumors that Ty Dagley's fastball can push the upper limits of the mid-80s (mph, not the decade).
  12. That was a horrible two-strike pitch. Thanks, OU dork.
  13. Gasparino is going to make solid contact this inning.
  14. Zubia by a mile. But most of those were ball 4.
  15. It's going to take some time. For example, Thomas was pretty bad the first part of last year.
  16. Gasparino gets worked. Freshman growing pains.
  17. Terrible 0-2 pitches and can't make him pay. Great hustle
  18. Too bad Luke Storm's not up with the bases loaded. Ivran? So far away?
  19. How do you "swing" like that at a 2-0 pitch?
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