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  1. In your example, there is none - especially if you're paying a PTC to file for you every year. That was the one thing I had the most problem explaining to people after I dropped their appraised value but the amount they owed in taxes didn't drop. I'd say "just ignore the appraised value. The only number that matters is the assessed value because that's how your taxes are calculated". Some understood but most thought I was trying to pull some type of scam or fuck them over somehow. You'd be surprised how many people genuinely thought that I got paid more based on how high their taxes were. 99.9% of the time these offers are automated. I know some people think the district over-values on purpose so they can have some wiggle room to reduce during appeals but that's not true. The comptroller does a biennial property value study to make sure districts are at 100% of market value; being over value is just as bad as being under value. What ususally happens in this case is that the protest packets started coming in and the district was able to mine sales data and then update their valuation model, which then auto-updates the property values. Districts don't (legally) have access to MLS services, so the sales data they do have is usually from the previous appeals season or the previous property value study.
  2. I'm certified res in the Austin MSA. I also got my RPA doing appraisal district work for 6 years (4yrs res, 2yrs commercial).
  3. Forgot all about that place. Saw Real Genius there and then went over to that weird health food store and got some yogurt covered raisins or some shit. That chinese buffet place across from the Central Market on West Gate used to be a movie theater as well. Saw ET and Raiders Of The Lost Ark there. Not that anybody gives a fuck lol Do any of the Austin OGs remember that restaurant on Barton Springs next to Peter Pan called Treehouse or something like that? I swear I went there for like my 4th b-day one year and literally nobody remembers it. I'm starting to wonder if I imagined it.
  4. Yes. I'm in the Arbor at Great Hills and we're out. Truck/crew on the scene though.
  5. Goddamn I fucking hate the words preggo/preggers and I fucking hate the words Vlog/Vlogger. Fucking bitch.
  6. Here's how Protax works on the other end - The guy comes in with 2 gigantic stacks of paper (i.e., clients) and basically says "if we just completely forget about stack A would you be willing to work with me on stack B?". At this point the appraiser is so fucking beat-down from listening to people explain how their house is a huge piece of shit and barely standing (without any pics or documentation lol) that they will jump at the chance to "auto close" a huge chunk of their docket without ever looking at it. So basically there is a good chance that your hearing never took place (at which point I assume the agent will still tell you how hard he/she worked for you) unless you were one of the slam dunk protests that had a significant discrepancy between assessed and market. But since you don't pay if they don't produce then you might as well let it ride if you just don't feel like fucking with it. If your property is in stack A then there was probably not that much extra meat on the bone anyway so you are probably sitting pretty decent. There are always ways to get a little extra knocked off but it just depends on how much extra time you want to spend on it.
  7. Protip: Skip the informal hearing/e-file (or whatever it's called now) and request to go the formal hearing. They will try to strong-arm you into settling before you reach the hearing (even in the lobby before your scheduled appt) but tell them to eat shit. If your case is reasonable (not some bullshit where you're gonna try to convince them the prop it's really worth $1/sq.ft.) you will get a "fair" valuation and then your assessed value will be locked in for the next 2 years. Source: I used to be that guy you would talk to during the informal hearing.
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