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Burnt Ends Dinner with Gunnar Helm March 28th ×

Prepuce of Doom

Certifiably Surly
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Prepuce of Doom last won the day on November 15 2020

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  1. Let's assume that @Wulaw Horn hasn't changed his mind about this and let @ztejas pick.
  2. You know you want Norfolk State, Derka!!!
  3. I can't wait to make a fateful coin flip!
  4. Mississippi State @ztejas
  5. I just picked Houston, probably while you were putting this together. Edit - and I don't think anyone has picked Auburn.
  6. Houston @Huckleberry
  7. Kind of fishy just how efficient things got at the exact moment Huck checked out...
  8. Marquette @ztejas
  9. Memphis. @Huckleberry
  10. Fuck Ray Lewis in the goatass.
  11. Julian Reese is exquisitely unlikeable.
  12. It's actually @Wulaw Horn's turn.
  13. Current board.
  14. @Bartles - still your turn
  15. @Wulaw Horn
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