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Prepuce of Doom

Certifiably Surly
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Prepuce of Doom last won the day on November 15 2020

Prepuce of Doom had the most liked content!


21525 Surly 1%

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  1. Probably puts a shitassload of PFAS directly into the groundwater.
  2. Old follow-up post is gone, but I almost like this one better.
  3. It's really disappointing that one of these fanbases will be happy soon.
  4. I wish I still had Twitter so I could call them dumb fucking assholes in the replies. Dumb fucking assholes.
  5. The Skycast is such an enjoyable way to watch football. I wish it was featured more often.
  6. *couldn't easily find a picture that properly instructs you where to stop your auto.
  7. This phenomenon should be adapted to horror movie billboards, etc.
  8. More accurate meme would involve a dozen Mogwai feasting at a late-night diner...
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