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Prepuce of Doom

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Prepuce of Doom

  1. Everyone's nerdy nephew could already explain it! The context/message is generally "same as it ever was" or "it was always this way" or similar. Why this picture is associated with that sentiment is beyond me, however.
  2. It's an odd look for sure, but a definite improvement over what a former colleague once referred to as "a boneless afro."
  3. Is that Chad Briscoe with the two butts?
  4. I assume that there's a much greater probability of scooters ending up under water in San Antonio than in other areas where a river isn't as central to the entertainment district.
  5. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the elite university wasn't Oxford.
  6. These people are generally incapable of nuance or anything approaching cognitive dissonance.
  7. IndyCar has been an outstanding product the past couple of seasons. Edit - @Bevo&Pevo
  8. You're not wrong, except for your needless reliance on the r-word.
  9. This was very useful. I tried something similar back when I first got my Blue Sky invite and it was underwhelming, but this is exactly what I had hoped for - it's not a perfect reproduction, but it certainly looks a lot like my old (i.e., pre-Elmo) Twitter feed. Now I'm just downloading whatever I can via X before deactivating tomorrow.
  10. I haven't tried anything yet - I thought someone posted that we can't delete anything except one at a time, which seems like a time-consuming nuisance.
  11. So for those of us who have no fucking business whatsoever even attempting whatever the shit this is about, what are we supposed to do if we want to nuke our own Twitter feed?
  12. That depends - are you George Michael or Richard Gere?
  13. The annual "dutifully present but tragically inconsequential" award then...
  14. We're an episode or two behind but find it entertaining............SAID NO ONE EVER!!!
  15. Hemric's "laps completed" is interesting. I wonder if he just practiced like hell at a couple of short tracks or what - some additional context would be revealing...
  16. I'm at the race and it's a great venue. It's my second time at Phoenix (first time was last year) and I have been to 10-15ish championships at Miami, both as a resident, and then as a visitor. Both are about equal in my view, but the weed factor in AZ is not to be discounted. ~~~~~ Blaney's pass on Reddick took about 25 laps. There will eventually be some incredible loop data from that battle.
  17. Out of town for work right now, but got some distressing news about the Leathery Peanut Shell. The others are allegedly safe and secure.
  18. Pretty subdued vibe at O'Hare this morning. I'm sure that it's foolishly early has something to do with it, but very few people appear to be in anything even approaching a positive mood.
  19. I should know better, but I am disappointed in our species.
  20. Fuck that guy in the goatass.
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