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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hobbs

  1. hobbs

    Atlanta FX

    Same here. Thought the barber was excellent and Alfred's frustration was great. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  2. Buddy of mine has done some great things for the DS community, primarily in the Dallas area, most recently this: Daymark Living
  3. Have not, but will check it out. Thanks.
  4. Yep, I agree, Revisionist History is great. Others I like: Crimetown Heavyweight Origins This American Life Radiolab More Perfect S Town Gravy Song Exploder
  5. Tyler - Stanley's BBQ - get the Mother Clucker, ribs or Brother In Law
  6. Thanks and will be trying it. Love the whole fish at Peche and, you're right, the bar set-up there is good when solo.
  7. How was Compere? Have heard good things, but not yet been there. Also, I wish that drink (Old Fashioned?) was in front of me right now, even though it's 8:30 a.m.
  8. Agree on Drago's for chargrilled oysters, especially at Metarie location. However, nowadays, I usually just get my fix at Casamento's, since they've had them for a while now too.
  9. Foo in April
  10. Nope, you really did a good job. Thanks for making this place.
  11. hobbs

    Atlanta FX

    Really good show. Very unique and Darius is a great character.
  12. Here they are: Rangers New Food
  13. Saw the Globe Life list somewhere recently and the new items looked terrible.
  14. Sounds great and look forward to catching it when posted. Cmon, cmon.
  15. hobbs


    Obviously, Louie as Christine is unbelievably good, but Galifianakis as Dale kills too.
  16. Yep, ink it. But please, please no Jerryworld. Needs to be a home & home, but NOLA could be fun as hell too.
  17. hobbs


    One of the funniest shows on right now. Needs thread here.
  18. Was really gonna miss this thread. Ready for a NOLA trip, now.
  19. No joke
  20. Whew, looks like everything is in order over here. Scared me for a minute there....must have recruiting info.
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