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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hobbs

  1. Wow, just when I thought this shit couldn't get any more wheels-off than bringing in an ace Bama coach & recruiter/stripper/sex monkey triumvirate, this Stoops fiasco unfurls. Should've known better...Surly never ceases to amaze. All Cray No Brakes
  2. Wtf...are we gonna have to sic a monkey on this mantra infringing mf'er?
  3. Let's cut to the chase on this shit already...does this PK character have a monkey or not? Asking for a friend named Gia.
  4. Forget Pruitt and Golding. I just hope Monkey Gia is able to adequately explain to recruits, on the eve of NSD2, why her official hire announcement took so damn long, even though it was her the entire time. She may not be comfortable getting into the whole rabies recovery timeline with them, but I'm concerned about perception, if she doesn't. If she's in Austin, or even Vegas with mommy for that matter, why can't she at least be working the phones or Zooming with these kids now. I'm sure some of them would like to at least hear her voice or see her little pink face, even if the camera catches her engaged in sex acts with Pole Assassin or, even worse, throwing her own shit around the place... ala Excrement-Launching Analysis (this f'in kills me). Enough, tell us it's the monkey already.
  5. What's the deal with the Rudy T. reference?
  6. Good grief, before this is all said and done, Sexton will have worked a raise for everyone in college football. Word has it he reps Monkey Gia as well.
  7. We already took Saban's sex monkey, so what's the big deal with Golding coming.
  8. Wait just a second here...does this Lanning character have any kind of pet sex animal (preferably a monkey to couple with Gia, of course)? If no, do not want.
  9. Banks' stripper girlfriend's pet monkey/new Texas DC...Monkey Gia.
  10. One can only assume, from the silence on the matter, that negotiation of Monkey Gia's buyout is ongoing. If that little primate isn't in Pole Assassin's carry-on bag when the Banks' crew leaves Tuscaloosa, all of this work is for naught. Monkey Gia as DC is the key to this whole deal and, objectively speaking, the staff assembly could not be considered a home run without her on board. Make it happen Sark. P.S. F Saban & Bama
  11. Colin Robinson wouldn't even start a conversation with her.
  12. She's Monkey Gia's friend. And yes, you should care, because they are likely the new Co-DCs.
  13. Holy shit, well, there you have it. The audio isn't great...do they discuss the 3-man front?
  14. Surely it's just that everyone likes talking about the stripper + pet sex monkey combo, since no one knows jack shit about the remaining coaching hires.
  15. Update: Sark meeting with Monkey Gia today, in part to make sure her rabies vaccine is current, her nails are properly clipped and she's not married to running a 3-man front. Fingers crossed.
  16. Yep, does anyone really expect a DC announcement at this thing?
  17. Don't be so sure...you haven't seen Monkey Gia's rider yet.
  18. As mentioned above, the safe/hedge play is a Monkey Gia fisting...Card hands will create some discomfort, but not cause prolapsing.
  19. If Gabe's friend is RGL, Caddox, the Squid, Monkey Gia or the like, I am not excite.
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