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Everything posted by burns_312

  1. Snagged an Antique for $61 and a Blantons for $92 this morning off the shelf. Hopefully the rest of the weekend plays out this way.
  2. I humbly present yesterday’s leftovers reconstituted. Kettle chips topped with pulled pork, shredded cheddar (melted), homemade mac and cheese and a BBQ drizzle. My apologies for the 4 wheel drive plate but nothing else on hand could sustain the weight.
  3. Bigger than you think but you’re not wrong. I’m in KS. Held off on the chislic until tomorrow as we had a bunch more pulled pork than my drunken self remembered when I put it on.
  4. Pork butts rolling, chislic marinating, walleye cut up and ready to fry. ‘Merica, Fuck Yeah! Pics to come.
  5. I really enjoyed Bali Hai when I played it a couple of years ago. It’s not terribly challenging and fairly wide open.
  6. Post mowing meal. If this is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.
  7. Hopefully you don’t have to see your cardiologist for a bit after that spread. Would.
  8. It literally tastes like they put a handful of pellets in a bottle of Kentucky Gentleman until they completely disintegrated and then slapped a Whistle Pig label on it and stuck it on the shelf.
  9. This is the single shittiest bottle of booze ever created. If someone should offer it to you, punch them in the dick.
  10. I’d suggest looking at this one. https://halo-pg.com/pellet-grills/?utm_term=halo%20grill&utm_campaign=NPA+%7C+Search+%7C+Brand&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=5171261027&hsa_cam=17966717507&hsa_grp=143057847280&hsa_ad=618379109998&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=kwd-330906962364&hsa_kw=halo%20grill&hsa_mt=e&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIg7vyz-_s_AIVmBetBh2FeQD3EAAYASABEgKvhPD_BwE
  11. If you’re going to Sandusky, OH, go walleye fishing, not roller coaster riding. Oh and Branson sucks. Do a day there if you must then GTFO. I’d suggest heading to the White River/Bull Shoals area and exploring around there.
  12. Picked up a bottle of Jefferson’s Pritchard Hill today. Really enjoyed the first pour.
  13. This is my favorite Shaq story. https://www.si.com/nba/lakers/.amp/news/lakers-shaquille-oneal-says-to-kids-we-aint-rich-im-rich-sy2021
  14. If you drink the local “rum” that’s blood red, prepare to black out. I mean I’d suggest trying it at least once, but know shit’s gonna get weird. It’s a sipper, not a shot but potentially much more fun taken as a shot. Enjoy!
  15. Ninety miles from me! I try not to make a habit of going through there though.
  16. That’s how I eat my pancakes and French toast, peanut butter instead of regular butter and syrup. Good shit.
  17. What’s retail on purple top?
  18. I had a base of leftover dressing, turkey and cut up hot links drizzled in queso for dinner. I’m incredibly upset with myself for not taking a picture as it was amazing. The good news is I still have all ingredients in the fridge so I may get a chance at redemption tomorrow.
  19. Great info, thanks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. It’s a small store, yes. I live in KS. I’ve made it a point to buy one of their store picks they’re promoting each time they sell me something I’m after. I may just give away, but it’s worth it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Appreciate the insight. I’ve got 2 bottles of Blanton’s and one W12 from the same store over the past 2 months, none of which I’ve opened yet and all under $70. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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