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Everything posted by threesheets

  1. Ha, looks like I was late to that party. Just took a look back and a bunch of y'all had mentioned it. Oops. Good stuff though.
  2. Found this gem in the $1 sample bin at Walmart. The habanero flavor is more dialed back than most habanero sauces, so it's more versatile. Kind of a mix between a Yucateco-type sauce and Crystal's.
  3. Fuck the Adelsons, and anyone that works for them. Minus the dudes on the court. That exit strategy is already in play for my kid though. We're not doing it. FUCK the ADELSONS.
  4. Stockton? Magic was the dude that made me love basketball. He can't hang either though. Fuck Stockton and his p&r mate lol.
  5. Not one of those dudes can hold his dick, skill-wise. It's just a shame he's not 6'7 with the same skills.
  6. I'm wasting this statement by putting it here, but he's the best pfp player I've ever seen. Lucky to somehow still have him on my team. Probably not for long but who gives a fuck.
  7. Two things my wife got tired of me saying during NBA All Star Weekend, at least ten years ago: 1) That'll do Kevin Hart, that'll do 2) It's OVA LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! IT'S OVAA! (I say that on Saturday morning) She has no idea what either of those things mean.
  8. Wonder if The Air Up There still got it 😁
  9. Getting more quality/popular players doesn't mean shit to me when I can open up Instagram anytime and watch random dunkers that would wipe their asses with any of them. They should let Jordan Kilganon be a judge so he can just sit at the table and laugh at some of these clowns.
  10. Thanks Joe!
  11. I thought watching Luka back on the court was gonna be fun but this shit just fucking sucks. Really starting to think my Mavs fanboy days might be about done. FUCK.
  12. I hope every play Luka makes for the next ten years feels like a fist in their bitch asses.
  13. What the fuck? Bitchassedness of the highest order.
  14. Nah, I get what those guys are saying and have said the same shit and meant it. But I still love the players and it was Boston so I was all in. Saying fuck it and moving forward with a team owned and managed by these vile motherfuckers is battered wife shit.
  15. And now we get Boston with no AD or PJ and Tony Brothers in the house. Just a perpetual nut stomp.
  16. Does Nico know he only has 15 more minutes to fuck shit up worse?
  17. When Lebron is gone I can think of no good reason not to root for them. At least until the piles or excrement running the Mavs right now are gone.
  18. Whoever prepared that spread takes damn pride in their work.
  19. What a nice day for a mow, ah?
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