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Everything posted by threesheets

  1. No such luck @Post Oak. Thanks for posting.
  2. Or maybe it's just proof that Cynt Marshall isn't just a figurehead and is indeed running the show (NR).
  3. Actual chives (not scallions) has me raising my eyebrow at this entry. Fucking kidding it looks delicious.
  4. I was there, and about 18 hours into a bender. It was surreal. Just typing that made me ill.
  5. Guess you busted me. I actually don't know how old she is. I do know she's older than 60 now that I think about it, because my buddy is 44 and I know she wasn't a teen mom. She's in her late 60s. Maybe I should have put "hippie" in quotations. Point is, she was still acting like one when we were in high school. And now she's quite the opposite.
  6. Trying not to break my fucking monitor over another DP.
  7. Let's just embrace it. It'll be easier that way.
  8. They're out there. My best friend's mom was a hippie her whole life and is now a full blown Trumper at age 60.
  9. Does he still shoot the ball from his dick?
  10. Yeah, just to clarify- I'm not disagreeing with Hollinger on this point. I'm saying he's a fucking idiot because he's a Dirk-hating piece of shit.
  11. If I recall correctly, Hollinger is a fucking idiot.
  12. Just straight up fucking garbage basketball. Imagine how good he'd be if he wasn't trying to hit defenders in the face while flopping on every shot.
  13. No way in hell. They get tons of revenue and that's a weekend to party for all the players and entertainers and celebs. Kevin Hart will find something else to do.
  14. Holy fuck what a bitch move by Harden on Powell.
  15. It's not the money that's the problem. It's being able to find a Sears.
  16. I want @futureman to like me though.
  17. Yeah, you can take a ratings book and present it in a way that fits almost any narrative. Pretty funny that the Junior quote goes back six months. I'm not going back and reading it again, but I'm pretty sure the RW article referenced the last four months and how the Ticket is consistently losing the M25-54 battle in Prime (6a-7p). There's no juking those stats.
  18. Dammit I missed it. What did Bunker Mentality Junes have to say?
  19. Not sure there are (m)any out there that disagree.
  20. Most of the times I've been to the Star it's felt like an empty Hollywood set.
  21. Exactly. We just project here.
  22. They're fucking garbage.
  23. That would be a fair point if I wasn't speaking to something that directly affects (and is super important to) the Ticket and what it might look like in the future. I went out of my way to take Ben & Skin talk offline.
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