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Everything posted by threesheets

  1. Missed it, but they've been giving him shit since he told them about liking country music and having Country Music Saturday.
  2. That segment pissed me the fuck off. "...puts him right there with Kevin Garnett." Derek Harper can eat a dick too.
  3. Been a Gaga fan since I saw this video of her performing at a talent show when she was at NYU. Damn.
  4. I come here so I can feel better about myself. 'ppreciate y'all.
  5. Best part was watching my high school band play Spence in.
  6. Didn't find out 'til we were walking in this bitch that Luka was out. Pinche Team Tank.
  7. Holy shit you're stupid.
  8. It could literally be Dennis Rodman running and you motherfuckers wouldn't have an inch of leg to stand on. Don't be a hypocrite. It's one of the worst qualities.
  9. No shit. Dude won Tarrant fucking county for god's sake.
  10. Dementia kicked in and he thought he was skiing a bunny slope.
  11. So great. When "Come As You Are" kicked in I was basically dancing in my seat.
  12. Sausage BOBs would be just fine reheated.
  13. No, it was "magical," kinda like the towel tucked into the front of the quarterback's pants. Or opening the sports page and scanning box scores. And the huddle.
  14. I like it @4th and 5 - thanks for posting. But I'm still going to hold out hope for the day they go back out on the road as a two piece and play the oldies.
  15. Technically (fall) 2018, but this is great. SIAP:
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