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Everything posted by threesheets

  1. @Brisketexan will get a kick out of this. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8L9sTv8/
  2. Been meeting a client for happy hour at Hudson House a bunch lately. Awesome $10 cheeseburgers and $3 oysters to go with half price martinis. Three of us the other night ordered nine martinis, two cheeseburgers, and a dozen oysters and I think it was $120.
  3. Because of course the sold a sponsorship for that.
  4. Yeah to your point @WinningIsHard, if I had to bet I'd say it's just going to be four more years of golfing and grifting. Amazing that we're at a point where that's what people are hoping for.
  5. Serrano is the gift that keeps on giving. Worth it every time. Edit: the jap you mentioned is sideways. My mistake.
  6. I checked that day and three days after. So I called today and talked to a lovely lady at the Collin election office until she found our shit 😁 She really was nice.
  7. So I went back and did that. Weird- it stopped at exactly 5,000 on mine.
  8. If the dude that voices their radio spots gets wind of this, someone is definitely gonna get shot.
  9. Well I'm about to lose my shit. Just checked the Collin County spreadsheet for last Sunday and none of the three people in my household that voted that day are on it.
  10. I'm seeing economy ads from fatass now, not truck-the-girl stuff. Guessing a forced depression run by the richest dipshit in the world isn't testing well.
  11. It's a simple question!
  12. Is that real?
  13. You love Norm and can't figure it out via the context?
  14. You should jock harder. You think those metrics are the same as when you were "working in radio?" Trust me, Chris Chris has never been more real.
  15. He decided it'd be a good idea to go on one of his sanctimonious, know-it-all rants when the Mavs were getting gutted by NBA refs during the 06 Finals. Got violent with it. Pretty sure he covered the whole studio in tuna and olive-specked saliva. Whatever that Sean and Mino show is called played it during their intro. I was done with Norm the second I heard it. Fuck him.
  16. Unbelievable. You could see how a white girl could fall for him. What??
  17. Apparently gaming is huge too in that regard.
  18. Antenna working great for me but I got a call from my daughter in college so my bitch ass has now bought both. Got gangster on them at the end. Naji was good. Kidd is gonna do Kidd roster shit for later on and lose some games early. It'll be aight.
  19. I'm way past due for a trip. Wife's family on her dad's side are all from PR, so we used to go every year and just kinda stopped after the hurricane. Luquillo kiosks are hog heaven.
  20. They did actually. Bob said that if Texas gets past Georgia they'd probably run the table. And Corby said Texas played a big part in opponents' shitty offensive numbers.
  21. Looks like he's in pretty good shape tonight.
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