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Everything posted by threesheets

  1. Don't go out of your way to be an asshole.
  2. Now go blow out Philly on the second night of a back-to-back, why the fuck not. Lol.
  3. It was a snap decision, so I kept it pretty simple. Butter, mayo, parmesan (over cotija any time I have a choice), Valentina. I don't usually put Tajin on my elotes, or anything savory really. Too tart. Just fruit mostly.
  4. Chili dogs con elotes on the cob.
  5. They were playing Kentucky. They hung it before the game.
  6. You seem like a bitch.
  7. Someone's high school gf went to Tech and had a good time.
  8. All about options buddy.
  9. These songs are so fucking stupid.
  10. I was kinda disappointed with the lack of flamboyance at the AAC on Pride Night btw.
  11. Obviously doing the workhorse protocol with Luka. Let him do whatever he wants with bench guys and hope we don't accidentally win.
  12. As long as it took me to recognize Phlegm's greatness, I wouldn't think I'd appreciate any impersonators, but I'm coming around on this dude.
  13. You're missing out right now for sure.
  14. Federal and FICA wizholding?
  15. The sad thing is the players that are endorsing Young. Like Donovan Mitchell and Blake Griffin's bitch ass. Enjoyed the first comment on this one though. Actually pretty much all the comments (can't fucking get tweets to post right on desktop, sorry): https://twitter.com/spidadmitchell/status/1109651898813038603
  16. I'll have to check that one out. Oh and this is how we do it.
  17. Unfortunately that pretty much the exact tone you get from the Twitter naysayers.
  18. Casa still puts them on their version (Chilada). Just sayin'.
  19. You're eating what actual food tastes like when you vomit it out. Goes for all the Campbell's tomato soup lovers too. That's the base for all that garbage. Sorry, don't hate me.
  20. Sampson is apparently still unbagging "fitted" dress shirts he bought in the late 90s. Looking good bro.
  21. And text messages.
  22. This late game Trae Young ROY social media push is pathetic.
  23. Shank plays golf? Please tell me we're only talking twilight at shitty munis. My mental image of the king is pixelated as fuck right now.
  24. Some regional shite:
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