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ShaggyBevo RIP

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Everything posted by ShaggyBevo RIP

  1. Like Austin to Brownsville distance.
  2. The captured RU Lt ended up being a General that changed uniforms. Cracking me up that Lt. was as low as he’d go. Next capture he should go enlisted as officers are going to be questioned. I hope he has a lovely time at the Hague. EDIT- Dog beat me by minutes. Apparently, horizontal vs vertical location of the stars is the difference in rank so he may not have changed uniform but demoted himself.
  3. EDIT- The rumor was false.
  4. New footage from the front.
  5. OMG- He’s got a NAFO patch on his plate carrier.
  6. Malcolm Nance at 61 years old. Salty AF.
  7. I think it was ‘slipped’ in the last 24 hours that Harpoons, launched off an adapted flatbed truck, sunk the Moskva not Neptunes. Of course that maybe propaganda for Chinese consumption.
  8. It was leaked how much money has been paid out for RU KIA. Dividing that total by KIA payout number and just short of 49,000 RU troops are KIA. That 49K doesn’t include LNR, DNR, Chechens, nor Wagner.
  9. Trent Telenko has a long thread that when NK was last saber rattling 2/3 of NK munitions did nothing. Those munitions are now 12 years older and have to go thousands of miles by rail to get in theatre.
  10. It’s an older video that was edited to imply it was in regard to present movements.
  11. The Oskil river conjoins with the Siverskyi not too far below the reservoir and UAF is already across the Siverskyi below that in the Ozerne area. I don’t recall any reports of the bridges above the reservoir being bombed. I wrote on here in mid June that I saw a couple/three dozen bridging units driving south as I was driving north through Arkansas.
  12. Straight up grain for weapons?
  13. I was just coming to post going by yesterday and today’s advance s UKR is trying to use the reservoir on the east to cut off Izium by taking control of both ends of the reservoir. Surround, and pin troops, in Izium and Kherson while cleaning out the trash elsewhere may be the plan.
  14. Plus the name of the band is Prodigy
  15. Looking forward to Bayraktar’s performance of The Police’s Every Breathe You Take.
  16. IAEA inspectors noticed all the incoming ordnance at ZNPP was aligned with having come from RU occupied territory. RU officer claimed shells turn 180 degrees on impact. RU is so used to owning the narrative they don’t even bother with getting very basic details right in their false flags.
  17. Three days. Just like Putin’s 3 day war. Comrade.
  18. PedoSt getting frustrated and chippy.
  19. She made it in!! It is a blackout game for the fans.
  20. Just got a FaceTime call from the kiddo walking over to Ross-Ade for student seating cattle call. BOILER UP!
  21. Which surly miscreant is this?
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