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ShaggyBevo RIP

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Everything posted by ShaggyBevo RIP

  1. Laughing at aggy’s need to quote overall national ranking so they don’t have to admit the recruit is considered top ten for the position.
  2. Reports that RU shelling dropped to near zero today. Speculation is whether they ran out of ammo or decided not to create firing hotspots for HIMARS retaliation.
  3. The recent hits on Snake Island appears to have taken out the AA and EW as there is footage from drones cleaning the rest up last night.
  4. https://images.app.goo.gl/Vrw2asTLyDTVVumo9
  5. Another possibility would be the $100 million debt payment due by midnight tonight, that must be paid in US dollars, to not be considered in default.
  6. I was wondering if it is related to the RU false flag operation in Belarus that intelligence is saying is coming. Launch missiles from Belarus to claim the false flag is a UKR attack to response to get Belarus citizens behind Belarus getting involved.
  7. Rumors a RU Command and Control center deep behind lines was hit by HIMARs yesterday killing dozens of officers.
  8. Putin being reported as having rushed to the Kremlin at 11pm local time.
  9. I read those ammo dumps, that went boom this week, had been in the same places since 2015. Wonder what arrived this week with the range to hit them? HIMARS?
  10. Read the same article. The UAF drones dropping anti-tank grenades are more effective than the switchblades plus reusable. Another story I came across is UAF is stripping Bayraktar frames of all the fancy electronics and any transmission ability, as that is what’s being tracked via radio telemetry, and putting just a basic gps navigation control in them with a set target programmed in making them into kamikaze drones which are what are hitting stuff deep in RU territory like yesterday’s oil refinery. The stealth still works when the electronic signature tells get turned off. The electronic signatures are why UAF doesn’t think Grey Eagle drones will be of much value when AA assets haven’t been knocked out.
  11. A field of oil rigs that RU took along with Crimea.
  12. With more thought, I’m guessing it means UKR numbers are fairly accurate and a lot of phantom troops on payrolls had to become KIA when the rest of their units were.
  13. When you add the Donetsk/Donbas buffer how far is it?
  14. Another story that didn’t make it on here is the Estonian source “Karl” said 41K RU KIA number is floating around in RU military circles.
  15. Starting to look like RU got suckered into Azov Steel 2.0, in Severodonetsk, to run clock until UKR can go on the offensive.
  16. Read the Russians being moved in are the soldiers families. It’s a force you to fight to your death for your family’s protection move.
  17. I used to live in 2303 Rio Grande. Hits close to a former home.
  18. I’ll go with a raccoon climbing the fence while a cow was walking by since it looks like two different animals stacked and in different focal fields.
  19. Lukashenko will make a play for it. He was heir apparent when Putin outmaneuvered him.
  20. Orderly transition after a dictator is extremely rare.
  21. Whoever ends up in powers has to purge everyone in Putin’s circle.
  22. Navalny’s sudden disappearance is what gives the most credence to the rumor.
  23. Great opportunity to purge everyone associated with Putin by showing the people everything they’ve been told about the special operation is a complete lie.
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