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ShaggyBevo RIP

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Everything posted by ShaggyBevo RIP

  1. Read a little more. They started doing this in 2015 with their 122mm artillery.
  2. Everything I've read says UKR software engineers are in highly sought after around the world. Plus they started doing those things back in 2014/2015 with the original RU invasion not now.
  3. I think that is the area east of Melitopol. Drive down to there and knockout the bridges over the river to Kherson and you've got a big pocket of trapped RU forces that you could leave trapped while going to work on Mariupol.
  4. There was a recent story about just how much VPN use has skyrocketed in Russia in the last couple of months.
  5. Remember the story about European motocross guys refitting bikes and smuggling them into Ukraine? Add some silent bikes to that mix. ELEEK Atoms Engine power - 3 kW (4 hp); Maximum speed - 90 km / h; Range - 100-150 km; Full charging time - 5 hours. EDIT- Appears to be a UKR homegrown product.
  6. Explosions in Crimea across the board from Kherson being reported.
  7. Finnish volunteers are pretty critical of American volunteers never really having trained for not having air superiority, much less experienced it before, as the Finns assume they won't have air superiority and train to that. When the Finns got to the first volunteer training base they were shocked at neatly lined up tents and went and dug foxholes in the forest at the amusement of everyone else then that base was struck and the neat rows of tents were abandoned for foxholes in the forest.
  8. Getting back to crossing streams and GIS algarthyms Getting back to this, the earlier crossing the streams talk, and finishing Telenko's piece UKR practices a similar concept in their return fire. They can do TOT(target of total area) think the pix from the last 24 hours of the artillery grid shelled empty fields. Since, they have the RU equipment from back in the day they dug into the software. So, instead of the massed artillery RU uses for TOT UKR does it from a bunch of different locations with only 3 shell bursts from each artillery piece so the RU radar doesn't lock in on anything as a worthy high value target for MRLS.
  9. Long cat thread in progress from Trent Telenko that UKR is using Uber/Lyft style GIS software for artillery targeting. UKR is able to return fire in 30 seconds by algorithms automatically assigning the task to the closest assets. US Forces need 5 minutes. https://twitter.com/TrentTelenko/status/1523791140478386176
  10. Read that crossing the streams like that messes up RU target response radars.
  11. Doesn't help a young teen being objectified by men up to 40-50 years their elder. If you have daughters ask them what it is like.
  12. Hearing from my daughters regarding the lengths of planning they go to for simple shit because of this issue was quite eye opening.
  13. Creating the narrative for withdrawal from Ukraine.
  14. Not sure I'm ready for a world where former Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson isn't a twat waffle every chance he gets. He and the crew bought pickups for UKR to use for frontline medical evacuations.
  15. Remember kids stay away from the witches of Konotop.
  16. Keep in mind today was victory day over Germany for everyone but Russia. Stalin insisted on a separate German surrender in Russia which is why RU is the day after everyone else.
  17. FOB? That's a parking lot. Damn RU keep being stupid.
  18. Andriy Khlyvnyuk, the lead singer of BoomBox. BoomBox ended their North American tour to return home and join territorial defense. He was WIA from shrapnel about 2 weeks ago. BoomBox has opened for David Gilmour in Europe.
  19. Speaking of Chornobaivka it recently got its own song. After 20 plus different UKR eliminations of aircraft at that location RU put AA assets there which did nothing against artillery. Check out the 1:03 mark for the nautical tank.
  20. Ukrainian cyclists are delivering aid for the Red Cross. Hope the tour honors these guys by featuring them doing some pace car equivalent function.
  21. Look this stuff up first. We went to tour Rochester Institute of Technology. When we got to Rochester we saw what a shit hole it was, pulled up the crime stats, and turned right around not bothering with the tour as mom and dad vetoed living there.
  22. Ukraine is going to cut the supply lines from Belgorod within the next week.
  23. More Ukraine killing it in the PR space. 2nd clip.
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