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ShaggyBevo RIP

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Everything posted by ShaggyBevo RIP

  1. See new Tweets Conversation OSINTdefender @sentdefender There are Unconfirmed reports from some Ukrainian Sources that the Russian Naval Ship the Admiral Makarov which is a Admiral Grigorovich-Class Frigate operating within the Black Sea has been struck by Ukrainian Anti-Ship Missiles off the Coast, so far there is no evidence. 5:57 PM · May 5, 2022·Twitter for iPhone 414 Retweets 72 Quote Tweets 1,688 Likes
  2. So, what exactly is the Super Yacht market size wise? Dick measuring billionaires and who else? Market about to be flooded.
  3. I'd need to see what the average of the other pool members falling behind is to this dude's average of falling behind to comment.
  4. Masterclass in using the term masks allegorically.
  5. The theory has been put forth some of these could be of the FSB will be coming in to audit next week variety.
  6. That would make Putin the first RU/Soviet leader to stay in power after losing a war. I don't see it happening.
  7. Some would even say it caused the collapse of the USSR 30 years ago.
  8. Christopher Miller @ChristopherJM · 6h Ukraine's Ambassador in Berlin @MelnykAndrij to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz: "It doesn't sound very statesmanlike to behave like an offended liver sausage."
  9. If it is training experienced artillery sergeants to train the troops back home then it shouldn't take as much time as training fresh from bootcamp. They only have to learn the mechanics differences.
  10. Read an interesting thought from a twitter post. These fires deep in Russia maybe more of the, 'Hey Ivan, haven't talked to since Uni. Just thought you'd like to know the FSB will be there tomorrow to take an inventory.'
  11. I think RU attack would have been very different if they knew they'd be facing those weapon or maybe not 'cause Russia.
  12. Reports of more stuff going boom in the night in Belgorod.
  13. Win 10 games a season? Too soon?
  14. So, UKR is closing in on shutting down more rail lines.
  15. Those tanks are the equilevent of USAF counting every plane in the desert boneyards as available inventory. RU has likely lost at least a third of operational tanks and who knows the corresponding percentage of trained tank crew.
  16. I was wondering how UKR was suddenly able to evacuate Mariupol. Flash @Flash43191300 · 3h ”Russians are pulling up forces to the south of the country to try to attack cities and communities in the Dnipropetrovsk region” - Zelenskyi.
  17. I'd be really surprised if it is anywhere close to 2:1 at this point. Logistics are/have been a far bigger issue than troop strength. Plus not owning the sky. War studies guys say 3:1 is the minimum for the attacking force.
  18. Russians actually have a term for it which apparently translates to Cognac marinaded face. High command drinks Cognac not plebeian vodka.
  19. I thought WMDs on civilians were a pretty well known trip line? Is this just to make it clear where the line is?
  20. Add generals and commanding officers to that target list.
  21. ^^^ btw- that explosion is deep into Russia.
  22. I was going to ask what goes boom tonight but I'm too late.
  23. I got castigated, in this thread, for calling him Pulter a couple months ago.
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