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ShaggyBevo RIP

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Everything posted by ShaggyBevo RIP

  1. So, like Ukraine, without a Navy, sunk the flagship Moskva and additionally took back control over a very strategic island without a single boot on the ground?
  2. No one went for the layup? I'm so disappointed in all of you.
  3. Steady paycheck when you live in a shit hole goes a long way.
  4. Also read UKR forces are being frustrated by civilian road traffic and that without civilian road traffic they could have eliminated even more RU armor already.
  5. A war studies guy on RU cutting off energy. Phillips P. OBrien @PhillipsPOBrien · 2h This is the equivalent of the South in the US Civil War embargoing the sale of cotton to Europe. High risk with a very small chance of achieving anything.
  6. Haven't seen any credit for the art but it is Banksy homage if not Banksy.
  7. There were reports yesterday that the strike on Bryansk took out one of the Druzhba pipeline pumping stations. So, this could be a cover story for why it isn't flowing.
  8. It is a jammer. Don't have any idea how they work.
  9. Telling kids that we could pay tuition and rent with a part time job back in the 80s is mind-blowing to them
  10. I think there were some security 'agreements' implied with applying to NATO.
  11. Speculation bubbling up is the strikes in Bryansk were on the Druzhba pipeline pumping stations. If so; Germany, Hungry, and Austria energy qualms are done as there will be no RU oil flowing to them anytime soon.
  12. That's an urban location and the other was out in the countryside.
  13. The fucking shipping packaging from it is visible on the floor.
  14. On civilians? That is the RU false flag playbook; not resources nor military assets.
  15. Bayraktar is the rumored weapon. If true RU air defense is complete shit.
  16. Another day another chemical plant on fire. Bryansk this time.
  17. Can they get a crane in there to recover that locomotive? Location looks very purposeful.
  18. One is an oil depot and the other is an ammo depot that supposedly includes missiles.
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