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ShaggyBevo RIP

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Everything posted by ShaggyBevo RIP

  1. Read title looked for the Scooby Fred 'That's my fetish' gif and am so disappointed .
  2. He'll be like Hitler learning the Bismarck was sunk from the BBC.
  3. All morse and ciphers from the Moscow ceased this evening. She's on the bottom of the Black Sea.
  4. At this point? aggy cosplay army could fuck up RU's shit.
  5. RU Navy still uses Morse Code. There intel posts regarding RU naval Morse code intercepts every few days. You are talking about the RU that had to steal Ukraine cell phones to communicate inside Ukraine.
  6. Reports of morse code intercepts that the Moscow is going to sink.
  7. The Howitzers have already been spotted being shipped to the Polish border. We are not announcing in real time.
  8. So on brand for you to always see the side hustle.
  9. Killing everyone that gives him bad news is going to be near the top of list. Not wanting strong military leadership that could rise up would be up there as well. I believe all the RU Generals that were in Crimea were removed in one way or another. Then a culture of graft and everyone in the chain selling off what they could get away with.
  10. Ukraine is killing it on morale propaganda like as if it was hundreds of RU paratroopers.
  11. Or we in the mother of all proxy wars and will eventually act in accordance once all the necessary pieces are in place. Giving NATO everything needed to fight RU is the first step required for entering into this war.
  12. Phillips P. OBrien @PhillipsPOBrien · 9h I would never have imagined early in my career I would be in real time, closely following the movement of tanks and trucks on secondary roads in Ukraine in mud season. Life is strange. https://twitter.com/PhillipsPOBrien/status/1513941989338894340?s=20&t=BPjXHLjM9JeWBsczOzJI8w
  13. Keep in mind it took half a year to do the logistics for Desert Storm not 45 days. There is a hell of a lot of USA shit flooding NATO/Europe/Ukraine even faster than during the greatest logistics feat in all of the military history of the world for Desert Shield/Desert Storm.
  14. The talk is heading towards a far more active US participation.
  15. We bought some for use in Afghanistan but there are websites that advertise them for sale. https://www.militaryaerospace.com/communications/article/16715565/us-army-to-buy-30-russian-mi17-helicopters-for-use-in-high-hot-areas-of-afghanistan
  16. UA SOF snagged Putin's Ukraine right hand man Viktor Medvedchuk. He was smart enough to be wearing Ukraine camo pattern. EDIT- of course Miller posted it first.
  17. That's how propaganda works. Try to find any 'shady' past/neo-nazi stories prior to Azov fucking RU's shit up in 2014.
  18. Don't think this one has made it here yet. Mike Eckel @Mike_Eckel · 14h just noticing this little Easter egg that was hidden at the end of the U.S. judge ruling last week ordering the seizure of Vekselberg's yacht. https://twitter.com/Mike_Eckel/status/1513491675376672779?s=20&t=HEHRflCMSEOM6hWf17QjjQ
  19. If I don't move off this post in 4 hours should I see a doctor?
  20. Think UKa version of Green Berets painted by RU propaganda as Neo-Nazis since they kicked RU's ass in 2014-2015.
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