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ShaggyBevo RIP

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Everything posted by ShaggyBevo RIP

  1. RU is openly talking about needing to 'purify' the elites which shows they don't think twice about how they've relegated the serf class.
  2. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/04/11/7338832/
  3. Good read from former Ambassador McFaul published in 2020. https://direct.mit.edu/isec/article/45/2/95/95260/Putin-Putinism-and-the-Domestic-Determinants-of#.YlRNmOj8xLc.twitter
  4. Someone want to explain military parlance of indirect fire for direct hits on armor by artillery fire? Does it just mean those firing the artillery can't see what they are shelling with accuracy?
  5. Helos skimming the waves over the Azov Sea to stay under radar. Took a few weeks for RU to spot it.
  6. Josh Humphrey of easywdw has passed. Josh's acerbic wit made easywdw the surly of park blogging. Fellow park blogger tributes- https://touringplans.com/blog/s6-easywdw/
  7. On this note my German ancestors fled Prussia in the other '49ers movement being the Prussian purge of the intelligentsia in 1849. They arrived and became wagon drivers for the Union in the Civil war to earn our family's farm land. Three generations spoke German as their main language until 1917. My grandmother born in 1901 was the last to learn/speak German. The US was a multilingual from all the immigrants until WWI.
  8. Jackson’s catering bill being 7 figures wouldn’t surprise me. Last one I was at had the Cirque style aerialists in the lobby. Maybe at the Natural Science Museum?
  9. It is big soirée usually held at the Houston Fine Arts Museum to entertain clients and judges. All former V&E lawyers are invited since they tend to use V&E as outside counsel. It was annual until the Great Recession and then moved to every other year and apparently every 5 years now.
  10. This gets to the story I've told before of an Exxon exec friend of my parents that hired English majors over business majors because it was easier to teach English majors business than it was teaching business majors how to write.
  11. Is the V&E prom still a thing or did COVID kill it? We never made the trek while we were in the Midwest.
  12. Ukraine tea bagging RU with the weapons the Baltic states are helping to flooding them with pretty well does this change 'organically' and lets RU know the Baltic states are not the wayward client states RU views them as and will indeed fight RU to the last human willing to stand up against tyranny. Want to retake the Baltic states? RU's going to have hundreds of thousands dead soldiers in that try.
  13. To this point, US Intel is saying 40 RU BTG in the Donbass sector. UKa has already removed over 40 BTG(10 tanks to a BTG) from the board across the Ukraine.
  14. Dude carrying the bag in the Boris video? Is that the UK nuke football? What the hell is the pucker factor of being assigned to carry that while the UK PM is 'strolling' around Kyiv in wartime? Damn.
  15. I'm so confused as to how Boris Johnson went from being a stooge for Brexit to being a stand up dude in the fight against tyranny. Seems like the subject of a Pink Floyd double album.
  16. On this point I saw a story, in the last 48 hours that I failed to post here and can't find now, that we've been sandbagging RU hackers for years to give them false confidence and feed them false info.
  17. Whichever of you said selling present weapon systems is an indicator of better shit in the pipeline here you go- Defense News @defense_news US Army initiates plan to replace Stingers with next-gen interceptor https://zpr.io/mRAXJKVUD8x2 7:48 PM · Apr 7, 2022·Zapier.com
  18. Finns don't mess around. stavridisj @stavridisj · Mar 24 A Finnish general reacting to Putin’s threats if Finland joins NATO: “You are most welcome here to join the 200,000 Russians that are already in Finland buried a few meters in the ground after your last attempt in 1939." https://bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-03-20/russia-invades-ukraine-lessons-of-finland-s-winter-war-against-soviets… via @bopinion https://twitter.com/EliotACohen/status/1512212120359874560?s=20&t=NKQ1LVkRoHZ66HG5moK17w
  19. BoomBox has been an opening act for him in Europe. Plus screen name checks out.
  20. Pink Floyd released their first new song in 28 years in honor of Ukraine and BoomBox lead singer's, Andriy Khlyvnyuk, service in territorial defense. All of the singing is from sampling Andriy Khlyvnyuk singing a traditional Ukrainian folk song.
  21. That was the program I was referring to but couldn’t remember the name.
  22. Doing their required stuff at the feeder/provisional UT schools and then transferring in for the last two years in Austin.
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