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ShaggyBevo RIP

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Everything posted by ShaggyBevo RIP

  1. It's been clarified it only meant resources in the Ukraine theater not RU resources.
  2. I think most is going to replenishing the strategic reserves Trump sold off(100 Million barrels or more) which brings up....never mind it would be cloakroom stuff.
  3. https://twitter.com/michaeldweiss/status/1499849754897010694?s=20&t=lHX5RrUXT07lbUqXcDTHdA
  4. What if losses to UA changed those numbers?
  5. How incompetent or on edge seeing the boogieman are RU forces? https://twitter.com/AVindman/status/1499753688478494721?s=20&t=sCy6tOdzeNnl93ZbAKrCug
  6. And to think Pornhub was one of the leaders in addition to they are be publicly recognized. SciFi writers have been predicting this level of corporate warfare for decades. Yes, I know corporate warfare isn't new but this is beyond natural resources.
  7. I had renal failure last week and it turned out to be bad reflux.
  8. Nuke fear with a side of telling your people the Neo Nazis are so desperate they tried to make a disaster worse than Chernobyl so we have to send more RU troops in for everyone's safety.
  9. Have you seen modern carousel prices?
  10. Never say it during voir dire.
  11. Once it is a former players daughter he's gone or A&M really wants the old UMiami most hated crown.
  12. Or it is bullshit psyops to make everyone suspicious of each other.
  13. Or just plain old propaganda for the folks back home that RU has to send their sons to keep the reactor safe so we don't see a bigger Chernobyl. It appears the 'stuck' convoy was supposed to rendezvous with troops flown into Hostomel to quickly over take Kyiv, via shock and awe, so RU didn't have to amass the number of troops on the border that would make it obvious there was a much larger objective. If the confidence was high enough that RU minimally staffed the convoy it could explain why our military pundits are mystified on why they are 3 across stuck. It may be the equivalent of circling the wagons for defense. https://www.wsj.com/articles/putin-thought-ukraine-would-fall-quickly-an-airport-battle-proved-him-wrong-11646343121
  14. Was it Twain or PT Barnum that said, 'it is easier to fleece someone a second time than to get them to admit they got fleeced the first time?'
  15. Or it is Mad Vlad’s Tom Clancy type nuke off ramp. If Vlad can’t have it no one can. Sorry mothers of Russia the Neo Nazis were so desperate they destroyed the Zaporizhia reactor and killed your sons and destroyed theRussian Orthodox home. We are quickly withdrawing our remaining valiant heroes out of the radiation. Never have to bring a body home and used tactical nuke with firing a nuke.
  16. A little cocktail napkin math and in a single week RU lost 450% more tanks than we did in all of Desert Storm(30 were destroyed) More numbers- the 100 plus tanks taken out in the first week would be the equivalent of losing of 45% of First Armor in the opening week bad. Take in the ability differences and it is over 60% bad.
  17. The turn sign to NO on the interstate now has Laurel included on it.
  18. If St. Javelin has even half the kill rated claimed they will have no armor in a few weeks and they have no resources to make more. You're looking at enough of the armor made for the RU 'new army' in the last two decades getting toasted to the point Nukes are all there is that keeps Europe from thinking about running train on them. At some point his generals have to tell Putin to stop or they won't be able to defend the RU by conventional means.
  19. RU's 'new army' was built on matching our armor. We spent the same decade(s) on how infantry can destroy armor.
  20. Why do you think they ended up on defense?
  21. They're seriously trying to get Tennessee people onboard with that, and knowing that state is home to some low IQ individuals, they may have some success. There or more people in Houston alone than the state of Tennessee.
  22. They are a prosperity gospel megachurch cult. Has anyone told them Jesus turned over the money tables at the temple?
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