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ShaggyBevo RIP

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Everything posted by ShaggyBevo RIP

  1. That's a dragging your nuts confirmation that it was a paratrooper transport.
  2. Seeing individual soldiers using modern tech to greatly impede, and repel in places, what was expected to be a milk run by the world's largest army changes shit in a hurry.
  3. Read a few hours back on this feed and NLAWs are now in theater in addition to St. Javelin. NLAW(Next generation Light Anti-tank Weapon) is a lighter more powerful, than Javelins, one man antitank weapon.
  4. Because it would force NATO into armed response.
  5. Just call it the Hemingway experience and they'll be there in droves.
  6. Reports are Russians brought mobile crematoriums with them to not do that again.
  7. Yeah, I'm learning to wait on the comments as new shit comes to light about every 5 minutes.
  8. Ghost of Kyiv get another kill?
  9. That a hell of a lot of fuel. Paratrooper transport?
  10. Russia not jamming coms or take down power is a huge fail.
  11. Losing a tank an hour is what stood out to me. Russian can't take that for a 72 hours.
  12. Didn't a few dozen US forces/'contractors' take out over 200 Russians to successfully hold a position in Syria? I believe those forces had no loss of life either.
  13. Exactly what they want foreign entities to think.
  14. The Atlantic interviewed David Petraeus in the last couple of days and he thought it wasn't enough troops for taking on a country with 50% more population than Iraq and pointed out about 80-85% of the Iraqi people cheered the US on which ain't happening for Russia in the Ukraine. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2022/02/david-petraeus-ukraine-russia-invasion/622893/
  15. Or it is a play to try to get Ukraine to tip their hand.
  16. Oxanne you don’t have to wear that red star tonight. Oxanne. Apologies to The Police.
  17. They should put every piece of Russian equipment across the road splatter them in pigs' blood, or whatever, light them on fire, and blow some up, and make a bunch of fake disembodied body parts out of every Russian looking uniform they can get their hands on. Psyops.
  18. Those were Russian nukes on their soil. They never controlled them. Giving them up was political theater.
  19. Got any of them stealth cargo planes? /Chappell crackhead meme
  20. It wouldn't as Putin would have their families executed.
  21. https://www.thedailybeast.com/russia-used-beatings-and-tricks-to-forcibly-send-soldiers-to-ukraine-human-rights-group-says?ref=wrap
  22. Especially when the top two are of Jewish descent.
  23. They have pretty short time windows to go in and out without getting too much radiation.
  24. That's hours of flight time inside of Russia. Sabotage or accident?
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