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ShaggyBevo RIP

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Everything posted by ShaggyBevo RIP

  1. This age of armor meets this age's longbow?
  2. Now look at the age demographics during the time. Largest generation at that point was draft age.
  3. Bullshit. We all know they made a roux and ate the nutria.
  4. The missile plant had a smoking accident in the last 12 hours.
  5. And one of 2-3 places in MK with alcohol. Casey’s Corner hot dogs have a cult following among chefs as they are a custom blend no one else has and were developed 50+ years ago for Walt’s demands.
  6. Jungle Skipper Canteen is the best food in MK.
  7. Look at their road record under Jimbo(COVID empty stands is the only positive one). 7-5/8-4 is quite likely.
  8. Having him on staff is a pretty nice code.
  9. Serbia is ruZZian backed, it would be about spreading the war and making NATO countries want to keep their weapons and not send them to UKR
  10. It takes failing at war to get the RU serfs to rise up. It takes failing at war to get the RU serfs to rise up.
  11. RU has never moved on from feudalism.
  12. The power systems UKR is attacking feed military targets be they bases or munition production.
  13. Kamehameha School has worked with Duo Lingo and you can now learn Hawaiian.
  14. It has been over 3 months since the Ivan Khurs was hit and no satellite photos of it anywhere since.
  15. That's Budanov's daughter. I suggest you go underground NOW.
  16. UKR destruction of landing craft that RU would have resupplied with is why they are doing this. I don't expect it to go well.
  17. China is the one that should be puckering the most on their designs to retake Taiwan.
  18. Tad of a cheat code. It is adjacent to a major enterprise and I called them to see if they were interested and had a written offer for it within 48 hours.
  19. Now have an offer for a large chunk of it and I'm ready for an RE lawyer to make sure I meet my duties to the estate.
  20. That pong may be the most valuable thing in the estate.
  21. Umm, yes and no. If you want to strictly ride rides or participate in Xmas party only activities yes. Doing both is challenging. I'm a big fan hitting MK at rope drop for both Halloween party nights and Christmas party nights. Most people w/o party tickets don't go on party days due to 7pm cutoff for being in the park and people with party tickets don't go early as they are going to be there late. If you want keep it going head to Disney Springs after you leave MK. We usually head to Boma for dinner and back to the hotel on those days.
  22. 48 hours after Veterans Day all the parks are fully decorated for Christmas.
  23. If you can go 12/15 to 12/22 it should be awesome. I miss when the kids' school schedule aligned with that. Check all the school schedules to see if you can sneak in a low crowd week before the busiest 10-14 days of the year. If your dates don't revolve around the school calendar Pop Warner at WDW is over on 12/09 making 12/10-12/17 a great choice.
  24. The Kilo is toast. Heat on metal designed for pressure.
  25. Tomorrow after the insurance sales Monday morning meetings should be epic.
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