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Everything posted by LongestHorn

  1. User name checks out Daughter was hired by stage alliance on the audio team to do the “load in”. She will not be at the taping, but said tickets are free for those who camp out.
  2. I didn’t ask before she fell asleep. She was exhausted after her 16 hour day.
  3. My McCallum daughter was building their set all day today.
  4. Save your bones and your veggie waste and make bone broth on a two hour pressure cook. You’ll buy chicken stock again, but it won’t be as good as your homemade stock. Buy chicken feet for the best bone broth. I can’t stress this enough. HEB sells them cheap, when they’re open. But them in with your pork and chicken bones. Frozen gel broth is nice to have around when you need it . It’s a good thing. Maybe the best of things. Freeze the bones for the next bone broth until disintegration. Less flavorful after each use, but still getting healthy nutrients. https://www.pressurecookrecipes.com/instant-pot-bone-broth/
  5. Is a hummer a rare and heinous abuse of power, or just a hummer?
  6. Take that shit to the Baseball forum.
  7. Married into it.
  8. Tropical storm jacked up our surf fishing trip a tad. Adapt and overcome. Spent Friday night fishing the south side Packery jetty. Caught ribbon fish. Saturday we wade fished the flats behind the church at Dead Man’s Hole. Sunday kayak fished all around CC bay, Caught bait fish, no Reds. Fed many pin fish many shrimp Gulp shrimp at Roy’s worked better. Don’t care. Was fishing.
  9. Was pulled over yesterday and after bringing my car to a complete stop, I turned it off, put my right hand up through the sunroof (humblebrag) and my left hand out the open drivers window. He asked for my DL and before moving, I told him I did not have any weapons in the car, I was not a threat, and that with his permission, I was going to move my hands and did not want to scare him into shooting me. I could tell he was both happy and disgusted by my request not to be murdered. This is where we are. Fuck the police.
  10. In plaid pants?
  11. Military veterans make up 6% of Americans, but 19% of cops. And we know they are more likely to shoot. https://www.themarshallproject.org/2018/10/15/police-with-military-experience-more-likely-to-shoot Good luck training that out of them in the Academy.
  12. Fewer.gif
  13. 97 years old and still putting in the work. Fucking A
  14. Good on you. Like McMasters in Tombstone. Brothers to the bone? Not anymore.
  15. https://www.kvue.com/article/traffic/large-pieces-of-i-35-northbound-upper-deck-fall-onto-lower-deck-austin-police-say/269-1afe8b2c-2060-4002-aedb-56f3f98a3a46
  16. My youngest started her Senior year at McCallum today with her new drivers license and old car. Making great memories.
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