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Everything posted by LongestHorn

  1. Frontline:  China’s COVID Secrets starting now
  2. I can’t imagine the levels of hell you have been down and back. Just know your friends have your back whenever you need, brother. Fucking A.
  3. Met Biggs in Austin circa 2016. Sad drunk vet working for Alex Jones. Vid he took of his arrest back then. https://youtu.be/cBDDz4VcvFk Thanks for posting the pro publica videos from Parler. He’s in green plaid jacket and black glasses and knit cap at end of first inside capital vid saying “this is awesome”. And a ton more. I read he has been charged and released.
  4. This is the man identifying many of the traitors John Scott-Railton is a Senior Researcher at The Citizen Lab. His work focuses on technological threats civil society, including targeted malware operations, cyber militias, and online disinformation. His greatest hits include a collaboration with colleague Bill Marczak that uncovered the the systematic use of Pegasus spyware to target civil society in several countries, including Mexico and the UAE. Pegasus is developed by the Israeli cyber-warfare company NSO Group and sold exclusively to governments.
  5. Crazy ass 1st Group Special Forces PSYOPS under investigation https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/article/Army-investigating-officer-who-led-group-to-15860421.php
  6. ArmyTimes is covering all manner of military members discovered to have stormed the Capitol. Not exactly a liberal news source. www.armytimes.com
  7. Tom would be crazy not to take our buyout money. He’s the big winner here.
  8. That’s what 40+ inches looks like, my bitches. Thanks Gale. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Has Alex Jones called it a government false flag bombing yet?
  10. I just rolled into Binghamton. Pinkies is just ok.
  11. I had to switch to Craig Way for audio after muting ESPN. Of course they don’t sync. Called the founder of Tunity app and left rambling VM re: syncing Craig Way to ESPN. No way Yaniv calls me back, so I’m calling into the ESPN phone tree until the second half starts. Fuck Walton
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