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Everything posted by LongestHorn

  1. Friendos was brilliant. And a Kanye Place was also funny af.
  2. article was poorly written piss.
  3. This is what happens when mentally ill meets internet frontier town where they elect a mayor of their crazytown, establish culture, and swap grievances. When all they needed was a brothel.
  4. Here's to your whipcracker Mom. Putting our parents in the ground is the roughest honor and privelege. Respect.
  5. POTUS is incapable of getting a story straight. That pre-existing condition is known, and therefore he cannot be expected to testify under threat of perjury. Reflexive self-incrimination. His versions of stories are so conflicting, it is reasonable that his facts are going to clash with what we understand as reality. is that a crime? Or is a brilliant skillset worthy of a Nobel?
  6. Chicken shit move to do that to a cockpit on approach or landing. And that's a pretty crowded airspace nowadays with Italian, French, Djiboutian, Chinese, and American bases in relatively close proximity to one another. Anyone who has ever flown into Djibouti-Ambouli International has gotten a good look at Camp Lemonneir, because they practically share the same runway. US SOF has been running operations out of that camp when the French Foreign Legion owned it decades ago. The irony that you can buy a military grade laser for $40 that can mark a target kilometers away because of China is not lost on me.
  7. "Not that I know of, but i have been clear, with the best available information, that is a question for outside cousel"
  8. Is that the worst solipsist joke ever? Or is it just me?
  9. Anniversary of Jade Helm is this week. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/democracy-post/wp/2017/10/17/how-the-russians-pretended-to-be-texans-and-texans-believed-them/?utm_term=.5f84271f9bef http://www.18af.amc.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/1235045/joint-planning-preparation-enables-jade-helm-success/
  10. Texting and driving is more dangerous than drinking and driving. And more selfish.
  11. He would be wise to simply settle.
  12. Let's imagine a world with a nuclear Iran. Is it really as bad for US interests as we have been told? See Pakistan. I can see Iranian evangelical leadership losing the nationalist support they now enjoy with their "Iran vs. the World" message. Iranians will have to answer the existential question "whose finger is on the button". Do Iranians want the nuts or the military? Israel has some very smart people, and I believe Bibi wants security for Israel. But no one trusts him. Fact is, if they could get a nuclear armed submarine for their trouble, Israel could get something they want - mutually assured destruction. In the end, it's peace or they nuke each other. They might just choose peace.
  13. I believe his point is that Trump supporters knew he was a liar when they voted for him. They just don't care. Cuz Hillary.
  14. William Holden in Network starting now. Important film.
  15. Now that he has all the questions, POTUS and his counsel will craft suitable answers. I don't know. I can't remember that meeting. I don't recall how I reacted. Cheat sheet ALL that shit. Shitlibcucks will implode into a snowflake supernova.
  16. I don't need a 2008 Consumer Reports drug reference. Or "The Wisdom of Menopause" book on the shelf above it.
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