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Everything posted by LongestHorn

  1. Is XII waiting for another P5 to postpone/cancel fall sports before they do?
  2. 2nd amendment doesn’t protect right to bear legs.
  3. Hey guys, just wanted to give y’all my fishing report for the Colorado River at Webberville. Dam release had the water moving this morning but low visibility. Bass were hitting my wacky worm on a drop shot but spitting it before I could actually hook one. Crappie were crushing my pink and yellow lure fast retrieve all day, but again, spitting the bait before I can actually catch one. Most of my tackle is decorating the overhanging branches that provide terrific cover for the big bass that are down there along the muddy banks near stumps. Hit the limit early for spiders one one attempt to recover my tackle in a branch above the perfect bass hole. Look for structure and rocks in 4-5 ft water and you may find bass and my polarized sunglasses as well. Keep your lines tight and enjoy Father’s Day relaxing with your family in the beautiful outdoors on the water. Stranger: “Did you catch anything?” Me: “No. Did your house catch fire?” Stranger: “No” Me: “Do you want it to?”
  4. I’m in the camp that used to sing eenie meenie miney moe until I discovered the roots of the song.
  5. Oct 33 is a good song, but really the whole album. They’re live-streaming a show this Sunday at 7 pm courtesy of Texas Lottery.
  6. Of course. I wanted to feature the joke, but I recognize my fellow poster and yield my time.
  7. https://vm.tiktok.com/oyffWF/
  8. In 1989 for the series “Making Sense of the 60s”, David Hoffman interviewed a number of police chiefs to discuss 1968 riots. He just published this today, and it’s relevant.
  9. like jalapeño, it’s pronounced “Hey, Peg!”
  10. Sorry for coming in hot. https://www.lexipol.com/resources/blog/brady-giglio-and-you-how-the-duty-to-disclose-exculpatory-information-impacts-police-disciplinary-files/
  11. We clearly can’t trust the cops or their unions to root out racist cops in the department. Question for counsel. Why aren’t you lazy bastards expanding the enforcement of the Brady doctrine, a pretrial discovery rule that prosecutors must disclose to the defense any material exculpatory evidence, and the related Giglio doctrine, which requires disclosure of any such evidence that could be used to impeach the credibility of prosecution witnesses, including police officers? Either you’re stupid, indifferent, complicit, or you don’t know why Mark Fuhrman is famous. Pick one.
  12. It demonstrates they were repeatedly warned that doing nothing is itself an act that causes riots, too. They did this.
  13. Wait. So we can lynch them back? Thats some biblical eye for an eye shit right there.
  14. https://twitter.com/traecrowder/status/1266456770634846209?s=21
  15. https://www.stripes.com/news/us/at-trump-s-command-pentagon-rushes-active-duty-troops-to-dc-but-prefers-not-to-use-them-1.632173
  16. The District of Columbia National Guard (DCNG) has been activated at the direction of the Secretary of the Army in response to a request for assistance from the U.S. Park Police to help maintain order during protests in the vicinity of the White House. The DCNG, the Nation’s only Federal National Guard, reports to the President of the United States through the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Army. The DCNG is especially trained and equipped for this U.S. Park Police support mission under the command of MG Bill Walker.
  17. Minneapolis PD Lieutenant Bob Kroll was named defendant in a discrimination lawsuit brought by four black cops against the PD for discrimination. In their complaint, the plaintiffs demonstrated that the Lieutenant openly wore a “White Powerbadge” on his a motorcycle jacket. Kroll, who admits that he is sometimes called racist, but he rejects that particular characterization, has referred to the Black Lives Matter movement as a “terrorist organization.” City cash settlement later, you can imagine how his police brothers felt that reflected on him and the entire Minneapolis PD for being a racist pos. Bad apple. It happens, but trust the process that has been implemented to discover, address, and punish as needed. The system eventually worked. What are you gonna do? They elected him as their union president and serves as such even today. KKK cop is gonna defend George Floyd’s murderer. Because that’s the way these racist cops want it. That’s not entirely true. They neither want nor expect to be charged at all.
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