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Everything posted by LongestHorn

  1. I called Watkins Glen, NY, Sgt. in Charge Brandon Mathews to talk about the fact that one of his cops, Robert Brill, was a member of a couple of FB groups connected to the Proud Boys and the “Kekistani Freestate,” or Kek. You know what he told me? “We don’t discuss personnel matters,” and he hung up on me. Racist Robert Brill didn’t call me back, but I only left that one restrained and very civil VM. Maybe you guys will have better luck. Phone: (607)-535-7883
  2. Medical Huey prepare for medevac?
  3. Was she throwing Doritos and failed to comply with a lawful order? I can’t find any backstory.
  4. What’s the story?
  5. 99 years ago Fuck Racists
  6. I’m trying real hard, Ringo, to be a shepherd. But c’mon now.
  7. Go fuck yourself
  8. Houston protesters a moment ago Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Houston protesters just now Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. inspectors general. We’re not savages.
  11. He sold it to the owner of Dobie Malls Magic Mushroom head shop, Joel Sidelnik, who adopted the speaker on the drag abusing passers by, tossing tomatoes on the window, and the motto “Searing Steers for 30 years”.
  12. Like what? He was part of the McDaniels Gang.
  13. It’s about fucking time. Why now? What were they waiting for?
  14. Cletus Sr is former LEO. All bets are off.
  15. Shortly after the Kent State shootings, anti-war protesters announced that they would hold a rally near NY city hall to commemorate the four dead students. Peter Brennan decided to organize a counter-rally of construction workers to show support for the Nixon administration.[3] A transcription made of a White House tape recording dated May 5, 1971,[6][7] documents that the planning phase of the Hard Hat riot took place in the White House Oval Office. Charles Colson is heard successfully instigating several New York State AFL-CIO union leaders into organizing the attack against the student protesters. At Nixon’s direction, the construction workers beat the hell out of the students as NYPD watched.
  16. With rubber bands stapled in. Functional. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Made from what I have in the house so piss off. I made a half dozen in 20 minutes. 1 pipe cleaner 1 strip of duct tape 2 shop towels 2 rubber bands 1 office stapler Two shop towels stop 93% of .03 micron, so an N93 rated homemade mask.
  18. Pressure cooking and this stuff play well together for richer flavors. I had been using the beef, but their roasted garlic is also excellent when combined with beef or chicken bouillon. To say nothing of upping your garlic bread game. Must Recommend.
  19. Burnt orange Weber Genesis gas grill with hickory chips in the box smoke last night. I’m a noob inspired by all y’all and Franklin’s online guide. Put 13 lbs on cold at 9:45 pm at 220 F. Hit 150 F internal stall that lasted forever. Wrapped in foil at 8 am and didn’t reach 200 F internal until after Noon. Toweled it and stuck it in an ice chest for 4 hours. No smoke ring, but connective tissue is broken down to collagen, I’m told. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. "Roadmap to Pandemic Resilience: Massive Scale Testing, Tracing, and Supported Isolation (TTSI) as the Path to Pandemic Resilience for a Free Society," lays out how a massive scale-up of testing, paired with contact tracing and supported isolation, can rebuild trust in our personal safety and re-mobilize the U.S. economy. Among the report’s top recommendations is the need to deliver at least 5 million tests per day by early June to help ensure a safe social opening. This number will need to increase to 20 million tests per day by mid-summer to fully re-mobilize the economy. You can also find the report and related material at the Pandemic Resilience Roadmap website, www.pandemictesting.org.
  21. Your girl was there for you when you needed her and you’ll never forget that, brother. Bittersweet.
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