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Beantown Express 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Beantown Express 2.0

  1. Sadly, people watch this shit and believe it. Since Biden has immunity and can do anything for the good of the country, he really should send the FBI to shut down Fox News immediately. Call it broadcasting hate speech. Deport the Murdochs from this country while he is at it. I want the country to tune into that channel and all they see is the below on their screen.
  2. That’s a dumb question. They are obviously forced to go with the Jew at that point. It’s in the constitution.
  3. Shapiro said "shit" so now I have to vote for Trump like all good Christians should do.
  4. I find it hard to believe that PA was ever +4 for Trump. I am guessing all of these numbers will change as the VP bump hasn't happened yet and then the convention bump should happen in a few weeks. Most of the polling may show Harris up in all of these states by a point or 2. The polls don't mean shit anyways as I truly don't think they are capturing the correct data anymore.
  5. Republican Talking heads if Shapiro isn't the VP choice- The left is anti-semitic and hates Jews. Vote for Trump because he loves a good Jew. Republican Talking heads if Shapiro is the VP choice- Do you want a Jew globalist controlled by Soros one heartbeat away from the presidency? Vote for Trump because he loves a good Jew.
  6. When the host tells Pete that Senators Johnson and Moscow Mitch didn’t vote for the immigration bill because it had bad stuff in it, Pete really needed to ask her what that bad stuff was. I mean it was a softball for Pete to say, “well since you are a real news network allegedly, what exactly were those things in the final immigration bill that caused the Republicans to not vote for it. I am sure someone on your network asked for specifics since you are supposed to be reporters and newspeople and didn’t just take their word on that, right?”
  7. This seems like a fitting video for the “white man” discussion. It’s still great after all these years.
  8. This offends me as a white man! I wasn’t handed anything in life except a paid for college education, all of my jobs and tons of cash.
  9. She was basically trying to put the words in his mouth to say he wasn’t talking about not allowing voting or staying in office past his next 4 years and he just couldn’t do it. How any rational person can listen to this fuckstick talk and not realize he was a great con man and now he is just a senile con man spouting gibberish is beyond me.
  10. If the polling was calling her a dingbat, we would at least know who they were polling.
  11. I'm voting D because I grew up a Democrat (Dad stood on stage with Bobby Kennedy as his bodyguard years ago) and have always voted Democrat. As for why I am voting D in this election, well quite simply, the other side is fucking insane.
  12. I gotta watch this. The movie was something I watched all the time as a kid.
  13. Maybe she hates her husband and step kids. Ever think of that smart guy! I can’t tell you how pissed watching the clip of the dumb, fat Wisconsin cunts make me. It pisses me off at them for being idiots and it pisses me off at the likes of Fox News for brain washing people. They say Kamala is an idiot when she is a thousand times more intelligent than them. I wish the days when the electorate could just say, “I disagree with Kamala’s policy on immigration” instead of “ she is dumb because the right wing republicans keep saying that on my tv. Yeah she is dumb by getting a law degree, passing the bar, becoming attorney general of California, Senator and VP. Sounds like a real dumb person doesn’t it? Also, like said in some posts above, the only reason for that whole segment was for the media to think people that are unbiased don’t like Kamala. Same goes for John King. I want to know what high ranking dem is telling people they only have a 40% chance of winning. Maybe Manchin would say that. Who else. Sounds like bullshit to me and sadly I used to like CNN but it is so obvious how they have changed to not neutral but almost finding ways to push Trump.
  14. Are they part of that caravan in Mexico I keep hearing about?
  15. Does someone want to explain to me how burning a US flag here in America helps these protesters with their cause? I mean protest all you want but doing that just pisses off way too many Americans who I believe they want on their side. Not equating the Palestinian struggles with Civil Rights but I think if MLK decided let's burn American Flags at our protests it may have alienated many people that were supporting Civil Rights.
  16. “Yeah, well that Lincoln guy was a loser. He took the bullet in his head where someone great like me with my cat like ninja reflexes avoided the assassins bullet. Plus he makes a shitty car, except for the Continental. That was a beauty with the big tire on the trunk”. -Trump
  17. Then the next words out of Harris is, “ Trump is a chickenshit afraid of a woman. Do you really want someone afraid of a woman as your President?” They need to go after that fuckstick with everything they’ve got.
  18. I am with you that I am not seeing a path for Biden at this point. Not all his fault either. I mean if there are that many people in this country that not only want Trump again but want what the Republicans are pushing as their agenda there just isn't much hope at this point. The media/right wing has done an amazing job of making half this country think immigrants are killing people all day long and Biden is doing nothing about it and that the economy is terrible when any other presidency would be touting the economic numbers and how good they are. There are no facts anymore unfortunately. I personally would go with a Kamala/Whitmer all female ticket and see if women in this country will pull the lever even though their husbands think they are pulling it for Trump.
  19. Oh man, why don't you fucking stop it. Shit, this is too fucking big for you, you know that. Who tried to do the ex-president? Who tried to kill Trump? Fuck man! It's a mystery. It's a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma. The fucking shooter don't even know. Don't you get it?
  20. They missed their perfect chance to do the switch during the Republican convention. Biden could have resigned effective immediately tonight making Kamala the president. That would have taken all the press from the Republican Convention. Then, every night Kamala could have done a press conference about something for the next few nights taking more eyes away from the Republican convention. The night Trump is speaking she could have announced she is legalizing weed nationally during Trump's speech. It could have been greatness.
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