Maybe she hates her husband and step kids. Ever think of that smart guy!
I can’t tell you how pissed watching the clip of the dumb, fat Wisconsin cunts make me. It pisses me off at them for being idiots and it pisses me off at the likes of Fox News for brain washing people. They say Kamala is an idiot when she is a thousand times more intelligent than them. I wish the days when the electorate could just say, “I disagree with Kamala’s policy on immigration” instead of “ she is dumb because the right wing republicans keep saying that on my tv. Yeah she is dumb by getting a law degree, passing the bar, becoming attorney general of California, Senator and VP. Sounds like a real dumb person doesn’t it?
Also, like said in some posts above, the only reason for that whole segment was for the media to think people that are unbiased don’t like Kamala. Same goes for John King. I want to know what high ranking dem is telling people they only have a 40% chance of winning. Maybe Manchin would say that. Who else. Sounds like bullshit to me and sadly I used to like CNN but it is so obvious how they have changed to not neutral but almost finding ways to push Trump.