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Beantown Express 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Beantown Express 2.0

  1. They missed their perfect chance to do the switch during the Republican convention. Biden could have resigned effective immediately tonight making Kamala the president. That would have taken all the press from the Republican Convention. Then, every night Kamala could have done a press conference about something for the next few nights taking more eyes away from the Republican convention. The night Trump is speaking she could have announced she is legalizing weed nationally during Trump's speech. It could have been greatness.
  2. Maybe they will hear from Trump at the convention when he talks about how he likes his retired firefighters to be alive and not to die like a loser from some kid shooting a bullet into them.
  3. narrator: The HS shooting club was right.
  4. Guessing something like this to really play it up.
  5. I can guarantee in the next year or so both of Trump's impeachments will be taken off the books along with any case or bad thing ever said about him. History books in the future will talk about how Trump alone created and succeeded in the casino, steak and pro football business. How the popularity of the USFL lead by Trump is why the NFL is what it is today.
  6. You jest but I am seeing shit like this from MAGA people I know. Biden is a drooling idiot to them who can barely walk and talk but also this Dr Evil mastermind who put a "hit" on Trump. Too many idiots in this country for it to survive. Where is the entrance to that ledge again?
  7. Ray of Light is a great song but for Madonna I got to go with this one.
  8. Hard question as it really depends on my mood. Am I in the hard rock (Zeppelin, Van Halen mood), pop/rock (Beatles) or Rap kind of a mood? Since they haven't been mentioned, I would have to say Beastie Boys.
  9. I know. I’m gonna have a chicken fried steak at dinner and just live to 75 I guess.
  10. Yea, but the other side wants to have the biggest deportations ever in the history of the country so that's more important to most people than what Biden wants to do. At least Fox News is telling them that is what should be most important to them. You know, since the illegals are coming in hordes and raping and murdering everybody.
  11. This is exactly correct. Also, everyone posting polls needs to realize its fucking July. Not saying Biden is who I prefer as president but let's see what the next 4 months bring when Trump starts talking again and more of what the Republican party wants to do if Trump wins starts getting more news coverage. Many independents may vote for a decrepit Biden in November if the Dems start running ads with kids in cages, being taken from their parents and just say, "if you want this evil shit again then vote for Trump". Start running ads that state if you are a woman and vote for Trump you will end up with a world just like the Handmaids Tale". Trump continuing to do stupid, crazy shit and the Dems running some scary ads in swing states could easily change the polling. Are the Dems smart enough to run this playbook? That I am not sure, and I have full confidence they will fuck it up. The other choice is Biden should just offer anyone that votes for him in MI, PA, WI, AZ, NV and Georgia $10K cash if he wins. He does have immunity from any consequences from doing that, right? May as well flat-out bribe people for their votes and get the win.
  12. All good and I still like the show and expected her death. I think you are missing my point. I’m fine with good guys dying. Just mix in some bad guys dying also. The baby doesn’t count since it really wasn’t a character people were invested in.
  13. Yes, I realize that. I watched one episode of GOT, was that not enough? Actually, I watched every episode. Yes, the bad guys did all get got by the end of GOT but for many seasons it was bad guys winning most of the time. Don't get me wrong, I love that GOT actually killed off main characters and good guys which makes it more believable. It just seemed like it took a long time for the villains to get theirs in GOT and I am guessing this will be the same but then I am no book fag so no idea what is going to happen. Maybe all the bad guys die next episode.
  14. I get George RR Martin’s stories are only the bad guys win over and over again but it actually gets kind of boring. It’s the one thing that I hated about GOT. Never read the books so I hope Aegon is at least dead. So the one eyed Aemond is this series King Joffrey. Someone you can’t stand but never dies while all the characters that you like slowly get offed? I know, I know if you don’t like it don’t watch the show. I like the show but wouldn’t mind seeing a win for the good guys here and there.
  15. It would be more believable if she just said my son thinks Texas is too fucking hot and he wants to live somewhere that has lots of rain and legal weed. Any offensive recruit that doesn't want to come to Texas at this point is kind of baffling unless it's all about the strength of the position depth chart we may have, but depth chart never stops kids from going to Alabama, Georgia, Ohio State.
  16. Rubio said Trump did not say that at the debate that Trump said his vengeance would be winning. She responded, "You are correct he didn't say it at the debate he said it on another day" and then she just moved on. What a wrote above is her pushing back but it's very meekly. It's always, " I don't think that is correct" versus "you are fucking lying to the American people you cunt". I prefer the second example, but I only get the first one.
  17. Sorry to vent but this shit drives me nuts. Not sure why but I just listened to CNN this morning and the two senators I heard interviewed were Dem Chris Murphy and Rep Little Marco Rubio. This country is fucked based on the media and also people like Rubio. Dana Bash (yes, she sucks) did the interviews and the entire interview with Murphy was only about should Biden not run. Even when he answered it the next question was the same. Nothing about the country, Trump, Supreme Court decisions, zip, nada. Just, "should Biden step aside", "is Biden too old to run the country", "will you support Kamal for President". It is quite obvious CNN wants a change at the top and is totally pushing for that. I am awaiting one of the anchors to say," We have breaking news that Trump just murdered 3 people but let's talk about Biden's debate again". Then she interviews Rubio and lets him go on and on about how Biden is going after his enemies and persecuting them (Trump) with the DOJ. If you listen to his view of the US, it is falling apart, and we can't let the Dems have 4 more years of destroying our country. Lie after lie. Illegals are killing Americans every day. Trump would never go after his enemies like Biden. Radical Left, Radical Left, Radical Left. Crazy California policies that Kamala and Newsom would bring to our country. There is a shadow government running the country with Biden just a figurehead. Democrats want Americans to pay for abortions up to when the child is born. When asked about the immunity case the Supreme Court did, he said that helps protect President's like Trump from being persecuted like they have done to Trump. I know many of you think the people of this country that vote for Trump are racist or Fascist, but I still believe many just hear shit like this all day long and are too stupid to not believe it, the Facebook memes they get, the Russian bots that are hitting them with propaganda left and right.
  18. After thinking about this a little more I think I am fine with Kamala being our next president. Just need to get over the whole being from Uganda thing. Happy Fourth of July!
  19. I am not sure Newsom can win being from California. The right will blanket the airwaves until election day with Newsom will turn your state into the hell hole that is CA with homeless people everywhere, crime everywhere, drag queens teaching your kids, etc... ( I love California so I don't personally believe any of that shit). They will flat out put lies out there, but I guarantee you it will scare the shit out of enough independents that they will vote for Trump. That is the biggest problem with Biden dropping out. Fox News and the right will just lie about whomever becomes the nominee and unfortunately, they will win the propaganda battle.
  20. This will lead to a lot of MAGA channeling their inner Tanner from The Bad News Bears. Not sure if appropriate to post the video.
  21. I think you just called me old! Well sir, I get all my news from Surlyhorns.
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