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Beantown Express 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Beantown Express 2.0

  1. 16 minutes ago, Jhawk said:

    When I try to get cute around the greens I always realize that only 1 thing matters... eye on the ball. You can’t do anything with feel until you keep your eye on the ball. That’s 3 strokes a round minimum. You’re welcome. 

    Thanks and I actually realized that during the round.  I have two bad habits.  One is I dont stay on my left side/front leg and if I dont concentrate on that every shot then I sway back and become really inconsistent.  The other is not looking at the ball on the chip shots and looking up.  When I concentrated on looking at the ball (and not decelerating/follow through) I hit some pretty good chips.

  2. Effing 93 yesterday.  What was weird was I struck the ball fairly well but it just seemed that my lob wedge (what I use for everything 100 yards an in) screwed me on multiple holes.  Mostly the short chips from 10 yards or less.  When you 3 chip on a multiple holes its a problem. That and some putting added 7-10 shots to my score.  I know I know, short game.

  3. 29 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    Does W have enough spine to announce his support for Biden?

    Does Mitt Romney?  Murkowski?  If any of these Republicans had an ounce of a soul they would publicly come out and say I am voting for Joe Biden because it’s what is best for this country.  They won’t but they should.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

    Those employment numbers are weird AF.  It looks like everywhere except government is hiring like gang busters, except ADP and unemployment insurance are not showing the same thing, and tax collections are plummeting, so wages are not matching hiring.

    I'd slow my roll if I were him, you may very well see a pretty aggressive adjustment in coming months, but that ain't his style.

    No way that fucker slows his roll.  He will be taking credit for those great numbers for the next month and when the adjustment comes it will be crickets because he will be starting a new fire somewhere else for us to all look at.  Those numbers don't seem correct to me.  It's like they manipulated the data to get the best possible outcome.  Of the 2.5 million jobs added in May I think 1.4 million of them were in the restaurant business which just means those were people that went back to work at lower salary/tips since the restaurants are only at 25-50% and struggling.  It has been said on this board before but Trump is so Aggy.  He is the Aggy telling the world how the game is over against OU when Aggy gets a first down on their first drive of the game yet goes on to get mudholed 77-0.  Also, Fuck OU in this scenario I described.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Francisco 2.0 said:


    There you go Murkowski.  He's through with you.

    I'm sure you feel good about your vote back in February, however.

    Sadly I expect Murkowski to bow down to him once election time comes around.  If she had an ounce of self esteem at this point she would go on CNN, FOX, you name it and call him unfit for office and bitter orange cunt with a small dick.  In fact everybody should start doing that.  It would drive him fucking crazy.  I truly believe if everybody started just making fun of his little dick he would lose his mind.   He would end up marching Ivanka on camera to tell everyone how large it is. 

  6. Just now, mdmost said:

    Is there any legal recourse to go after Barr once he's out of office? Why do I get the feeling some blanket pardons are going to be thrown down if Trump loses on November 6?

    If Trump loses in November he will pardon everyone he has ever "taken a picture with".

    • Like 2
  7. 6 minutes ago, SimonBolivar said:

    Come on now you know the political memory of our country lasts about a week. Things will change in the next 5 months and new issues will get everyone riled up. Lindsay Graham already said his committee hopes to have a report out before the election on Obama & Biden's meddling into the Trump campaign in 2016. They're going to be throwing every single piece of shit onto the wall that they can find and I'm sure a lot of it will stick when the white guilt is gone and whites are looking for any reason to vote for team R.

    This right here.  Wait until they accuse Biden of being a vampire come November.   We all know how gullible Trumps base is.  They will fall for all of the fake shit stories that come out hook, line and sinker.  

  8. 26 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    Brisket and I occasionally need to talk on professional matters.  So no--y'all assholes can't join that.

    But we are thinking about doing a podcast.


    I don't want to hear Brisket's real voice.  I prefer reading all of his posts hearing it in Gilbert Gottfried's voice.  It makes them much more impactful to me.

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  9. 3 hours ago, heso said:

    What’s your guys pre-round warmup? 

    I park the car about 10 minutes before my tee time.  Load my bag on the cart and head to the tee box.  Take one practice swing and away we go.  I should add this is probably why I am not very good at golf.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Seeing Chauvin's booking photos, can't help but think of this scene....


    I mean....what kind of life does he have left in front of him?   Do any of you think he will possibly offer genuine contrition and seek redemption and healing?  If he does, God bless him.  But I've long since stopped having any faith in my fellow man.

    What kind of life does he have left in front of him?  In this timeline I am guessing the all white jury votes him innocent on all charges.  He then gets a show on Fox News where he can discuss how important law and order is for this country, then he ends up serving as the Attorney General in the second term for the Trump administration.  

    • Like 3
  11. 5 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:


    So how long until the Trumpers say Rev. Mariann Budde is not a real Christian and how dare people question such a pious man like Donald Mother Fucking Trump!  I can hear Lou Dobbs blathering about it in the next 24 hours.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

    Him holding the Bible like that has to be one of the most repulsive things he's ever done.

    I'm shocked it is not burning his skin like a cross on a vampire.

    • Like 8
  13. 6 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

    Eagerly awaiting Team GOP to speak out against this.

    I won't hold my breath.

    Speak out?  Those fuckers will embrace this.  On Fox News tonight you will hear Hannity and Tucker telling their minions how great this is and Trump is saving the country from Thugs.  The rest of the party will fall in line, Goose-stepping across America.

    • Like 2
  14. So I went and played golf today and come back and now we are talking about flag burning?  Did I go back in time or something.  I so agree with Trump that I too am sick and tired of aborted babies that go out and burn the flag that represents transgender brown people.  Do something!

  15. 2 minutes ago, Thrawn said:

    You forgot MS13.  If his numbers stay shitty, look for the vast hordes of MS13 crossing our borders and infiltrating protests to soon be a thing that he pushes to his base.

    It will be caravans of ANTIFA climbing over his big beautiful wall at around the end of October or beginning of November.

  16. 2 hours ago, Dbeasy said:

    This post is clearly fake. No software developers leave their bedrooms except to get another Mountain Dew.

    This guy is older and a manager.  I bet all the people that report to him are the Mountain Dew types though.

  17. Just now, Mdhorn said:

    What did he say about the police officers that started this?

    He actually said the cops were totally in the wrong and all four of them should be in prison.  He said they should get manslaughter which would be like 5 years in prison and never allowed to police again. He also mentioned his dad was a cop and he made a comment that when his dad put on his uniform it was like a superman uniform to his dad in that he could do no wrong kind of like he was above the law. He felt that attitude was common in the police force.  Then he switched back to his Soros rant.

  18. So I just spent the evening with some neighbors (technically your average normal Dallas suburbanites in their 40’s and 50’s).  It was hard for me to keep a straight face as one of the software engineers went on and on about how all of the riots in this country are really ANTIFA which is 100% paid for by George Soros.   I mentioned I had heard there were right wing groups also causing some of the damage and he went on to say there are very few people in this country that are really associated with the Klan or Neo Nazi like groups.  He said there may be a few hundred people in all of the US like that but there are hundreds of thousands of Left wing radicals and ANTIFA terrorists.  I asked where he heard this and said Fox News and some Shapiro guy.   How do you argue with this.  Total Trumper this guy is and it was really tough to drink my bourbon in peace.  Trump has really opened up the stupid in this country. 

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  19. 1 minute ago, Bone3421 said:
    4 minutes ago, F250 said:
    Reuters has a good thread regarding the attacks on journalists.

    What step in the playbook is silencing the media again? Only a few months left(possibly) to complete the plan

    I wonder if the leader of a country calling the media the enemy of the people has anything to do with that.  Nah, probably not.

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