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Beantown Express 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Beantown Express 2.0

  1. To get back on topic, I wonder how many Urban Assault Vehicles Ukraine has rolling around their country right now.
  2. He probably would have arrived earlier but there was a full crowd scene at the food lines.
  3. You should also look at who a President surrounds himself with. That is where Biden is way better than Trump and the Kushners of the world.
  4. Grover Cleveland?
  5. They are really, really good at messaging. I mean if they were around in the 1960's when LBJ started his War on Poverty they would have argued and convinced a good chunk of the population that trying to make sure American kids weren't going hungry was a bad idea.
  6. Ignorant populace + right wing media gives you the answer.
  7. Ukraine is now saying Belarus soldiers are part of the attacks along with Russia. We are now up to 3 countries, do I hear 4?
  8. Dumb question but where is China on this issue? I know they love Russian oil but it would be really great if they were on the good guys side on this one. The EU, US, and China would be a pretty strong alliance against Russia on this.
  9. Someone else want to tell him?
  10. Yeah, technology has gotten better ten fold but the human in us is still dumb enough to go to war over a piece of land. I guess no matter how technology advanced our civilization gets our species stays the same.
  11. It’s not like their hosts are better. They do the same thing.
  12. There was that time when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and FDR declared war on Japan. I believe ex President Herbert Hoover said something like, “the Japs are good people and this all the USA’s fault and we deserved to be attacked and FDR is a loser.” Then again I could be wrong on that Hoover statement and Trump really is the first piece of shit ex president to attack a sitting President during a crisis.
  13. I know I shouldn’t be listening to it but CNN went to commercial so I switched to hear what they have to say. If you only watch Fox News and believe what they are saying you would hear Trump and Laura Ingraham blaming Biden for this, Iran, Afghanistan, the high gas prices this will cause, and anything else they can. I am quite irate watching this knowing the damage it does to the country I love.
  14. Trump is on Fox News right now commentating on the war. He is blaming the weakness of the Afghanistan withdrawal on why Putin is doing this.
  15. Check your sarcasm meter or any of my thousand other posts on politics. Biden has nothing to do with this and has done all he could to try and stop a mad man bent on war. I can’t figure out what the right wing media is doing as some are saying Putin is a great guy and others seem to be trying to bait Biden into sending the US into full out war against Russia.
  16. Lose the comma.
  17. Thanks Biden.
  18. I’m pretty sure the few Republicans living in Portland would cheer for this even as the mushroom clouds engulfed them.
  19. I hear your argument and I see your points but do you not find it strange that Tucker felt the need to go on national TV and defend Putin? We are talking about a bad guy in Putin and there is no grey area about it. Putin is pure evil and it shouldn’t really matter if you are a conservative or a liberal, a Democrat or a Republican. If half the country is going to be brainwashed by Fox News to be on Putin’s side then Putin has already won and the US is finished. Where is that door to Brisket’s ledge again?
  20. It should really make people wonder why when a foreign leader is about to invade (or already has invaded a country) would Tucker Carlson go on TV to defend him to his United States audience. I get free speech and all that but the CIA/NSA/FBI should really be looking into what Fox News is broadcasting at this point. It seems like Putin is bankrolling Tucker (or the Republican party) and since this is considered “news” it is as dangerous as yelling “fire” in a crowded movie theater if not more so. I have a hard time believing that someone could have given Walter Cronkite some money back in the day and then he would go on national TV and tell us all about how Khrushchev is really a good guy since he didn’t try and take your jobs or call you a racist. I prefer not to throw the word, “traitor” around too lightly but between Trump/Tucker/etc… we really are seeing traitors to our country and they aren’t even hiding it.
  21. I’m pretty sure any day now, Fox News will be saying it’s actually Antifa invading Ukraine and not Russia.
  22. I agree with the bolded part. This chimpanzee reminds me of the current Republican party.
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