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Beantown Express 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Beantown Express 2.0

  1. Totally get you. I get to travel, eat at nice places, golf, etc for work but the conference calls about nothing and corporate stuff are what suck the joy out of my job and make me even consider retiring. Nothing like a call about an event that may or may not take place, a year from now that we may or may not even attend and my boss needs to have a discussion and planning for. Drives me nuts.
  2. For me the hardest part is calculating the future costs of hookers and blow. Once I figure that out I guess I will retire. In all honesty just found this thread and it fascinates me to hear about so many people looking to retire young. I could probably retire now with what I have squirreled away as I have lived below my means for probably 20 plus years. I lived that way not because I am trying to retire early but I guess I just always wanted to make sure I had "just in case" money and didn't want to be one of those people that if they lose their job they are on the street in 2 months. I am fortunate that I work at a large company that pays me a shit ton of money (sales) and I don't have to work very hard at this point. Don't get me wrong, I paid my dues early in my career and busted my ass and didn't make shit for money. My wife gives me grief for not "working hard now and that all the people that report to me bust their asses" and she is always naming friends and family that work 24 hours a day, seven days a week yet I probably make more in a year what they make in 4-5 years. Do none of you have a concern about retiring and then just being bored? That is my biggest fear about walking away at this point.
  3. It was in the Perkins commitment article on ESPN.com.
  4. Did anybody see the Huffines commercial where he says FL is beating us because they won a Super Bowl and when he is governor of TX he will stop the invasion at our border and the Dallas Cowboys will win another ring? I can’t believe people see that and think to themselves, “yeah, that guy is who I want running things”.
  5. ESPN had that so maybe it’s their rankings or I misread it.
  6. Think about it this way. The only other school with more than one 5 star commitment is Alabama which has 3 of them. A&M now has 5 with I believe 3 more possible so they could finish with 8 5 star players. Once again, no other school other than AL has more than one. It makes total sense that A&M would out recruit schools like Oklahoma, Clemson, Ohio State, Michigan, etc….what with that championship winning tradition in College Station. What pisses me off most about this is that the NCAA will do nothing about it at all. At this point Jimbo could come out on National TV and say “Damn right we paid players to come here, millions in fact, and none of you can do a damn thing about it”, and nothing would happen.
  7. You are just realizing there is no hope? Let’s go Brandon sign out front should have told you.
  8. I think I posted in the other new car thread but I bought my kid a 22 Hyundai Elantra last week (got lucky that when I saw they had one in transit to the dealer a few weeks ago and called and reserved it for $500). I paid sticker (plus $900 for tint and clear coat or some shit like that). Had no choice with the $900 extra as the dealer adds that to all their cars. Sadly, I was happy with this deal as other Hyundai dealers are marking that car up $4K plus if they even have the car which most don't.
  9. Downloaded this last night. I didn’t get the blind spot camera. Guessing because I have the vertical screen instead of the horizontal one. Not sure if I want to look towards my screen when changing lanes to see the side camera views as maybe that would be distracting but I guess I didn’t and won’t get that choice. I too have to get used to the new “apps” at the bottom of my screen but guess I will get used to it. Need to play with it more but is there still a “radio” screen that has all of the choices (Sirius/Spotify/FM/etc…) along with a settings button where you can adjust the equalizer? I am not sure where that is now but I did move the apps for those onto my tool bar. Also, is the total apps you can put on that just like 4=5 or can you add more. It seemed to stop at 4-5 and then it swaps out apps when you try to add one. Lastly, I saw some folks complaining that the heated seats/steering wheel and defroster are in a sub menu but if I touch the temp quickly it brings up just those controls and not the whole climate control screen.
  10. I bought a Hyundai Elantra last week for the kid. It’s sad but I paid sticker plus only $900 (for tint and clear coat around the door handles because the dealer automatically adds those two things to all their cars) and I was actually happy to give them my money. Didn’t haggle or anything as they would sell the car quickly since they only get like 2 a month. Strange days indeed-John Lennon
  11. I just finished it and thought it was OK. I agree that The Big Short was one of the best movies in the last decade. I felt like this wanted to be like The Big Short but for me kind of missed the mark. I understand the satire but it just didn’t resonate to me as I guess I am pretty much living it right now. Throw in a nice pandemic and the movie is like watching a documentary on the current world sadly. A few other thoughts. Meryl Streep really looked old to me. I get that she is and maybe I haven’t seen her lately but I was kind of surprised. Also, it’s weird but the only way I recognized Cate Blanchett was because of her cheeks for some reason.
  12. RIP. I never lost at Madden 92 as long as I was the Vikings. Their D line could block every pass and stop every run. Years ago I went to the Packers/Cowboys game at Lambeau on Sunday night with Madden and Al Michaels announcing. We had seats on the 50 up top right under their broadcast booth. It was an open window to their booth and Madden would stick his head out and wave to us below. By halftime some drunk Packer fan somehow climbed up towards the booth and was hanging their screaming at Madden “circle me with the telestrator” over and over again.
  13. It's funny but my teenage kid has not had school closures because of Covid or anything like that. Now his school has been shut down 2 times so far this year due to gun threats that a kid "may" be coming to school to kill a bunch of kids. That seems to be a under reported story and definitely has an effect on children's mental health when they know that at any time some kid could show up to their school with a weapon and go on a killing spree. I wonder why nobody is willing to fix that problem.
  14. How bout that Paul McCartney Xmas song? That’s a real banger!
  15. This Lange does it for me for some reason.
  16. Bah Humbug to you all. And a fantastic Kwanza to those that celebrate it.
  17. Weren’t there tons of them sitting in a drawer at the TVA in Loki? Maybe they grab some from there.
  18. I could totally recognize one of the guys voices as the main guy from the original cast of Rent (yeah I liked that show). Looked it up and it was Adam Pascal. Not sure what else he does or has done but his voice sounds the same 25 years later.
  19. I can’t tell you how much this photo offends me by associating it with anything related to A&M. Just saying.
  20. Uh, the greatest billionaire ever, Donald J Trump, helped this country become great again and…. Shit I can’t even finish this without laughing out loud. Mark Cuban did help the people of Dallas that were Mavericks fans enjoy a championship so that should count for something.
  21. Just watched it and thought it was a decent action flick but I have no desire to watch it again where I can watch the original Matrix over and over. I guess I’m not too bright but all the sequels kind of confuse me with what I am watching and what is being explained to me where the original makes total sense and is a perfect movie in my opinion.
  22. So they basically don’t want 5 losses on their record this year and prefer the 4 loss season.. What a bunch of losers.
  23. Since my business card says Emperor of the Universe I am going to disagree with you on your titles comment.
  24. What is most interesting about all this polling is most of the people that are against a bill like this have no idea why they are against it or what is in it. They are just told by right wing media it is bad for them. A lot of what is in the bill actually would help many of the people that are supposedly opposed to its passage. The truth is that our country is made up of mostly unintelligent morons and that is what will be the ultimate downfall of the US.
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