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Beantown Express 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Beantown Express 2.0

  1. He said he likes the look of the GO Senator the best.
  2. I dig the GO Senator. Is it easy to switch out the bracelet and strap? Like a Panerai where you need the little screwdriver?
  3. He like the look of a chrono apparently and also wants a steel bracelet versus a leather/alligator strap.
  4. That is the definition of sunshine pumping and passing out the Kool Aid. So based on that article we have a good roster and good players at OL, DL, LB, QB etc... I am not going to pretend to be a coach or analyst but I am pretty confident that moving Jett Bush or Roschon Johnson to LB is not going to solve our LB issues. Same goes for moving Whittington to Safety. First time he hits a guy he will get injured. I can't believe Ian Boyd actually gets paid to write that shit.
  5. A buddy of mine wants to buy his first nice watch. He has 10-13K to spend and said a chronometer would be cool. Thoughts? He also said he wanted something dressy.
  6. They should take 5 million of the initial 10 million and use it on football right now via the 2022 recruits and the portal. Let Sark get the any player he wants and then we can see if he really sucks or if he will be really good. This is in jest....kind of.
  7. So can someone who knows more than me give me some insight on this new Texas NIL deal? Is this for football only or all sports? Is $10 million a lot compared to what Ohio State, Alabama and A&M are doing? Just wondering how this is a game changer. Not saying it isn't I just have no idea.
  8. Alcohol, drugs and hookers aren’t appreciated at a lot of schools. West Virginia and UH are fine with that look.
  9. The Elon's of Telsa are upon you has a nice ring to it. If he could be our Phil Knight I would happily sing that song.
  10. Agree with this. If the offense can add 3 good OL I would be happy. Spending a bunch of money on Mims from OK would be perfect to go with X. Not sure what we can bring in on D but with some good OL we can finally start to build a real team again. What we really need is to get Elon Musk on board with UT football. I would have no problem with naming the field Elon Musk Field if he starts throwing big money around to our recruits. Free Teslas, cash and rocket ship rides into space for everybody!
  11. There was a part before it where George was playing one of his songs (can’t remember which one) but it was kind of slow and like a waltz and I thought John was giving him a hard time like we are a rock and roll band and don’t you know what kind of music we play. I think comments like that and the others mentioned (and probably stuff happening for years before) were leading to his breaking point moment where he just wants to do his own music without them shitting on it or tweaking it the way they want it versus the way he wants it.
  12. Just finished episode 1 and its pure Beatles porn for me. I was fascinated with the song creation you could see happening right before your eyes. From Get Back, Let it Be, Golden Slumbers, etc….One thing that kind of stood out to me was the Yoko dynamic. Yeah, she was all up in their shit sitting next to John the whole time but I didn’t get the feeling that really bothered anyone. The whole Yoko broke up the Beatles doesn’t really make sense as it is more apparent to me that they were kind of just growing apart both musically and as people. Especially George, as he wanted to start getting his own songs played or on the albums and you could see Paul and John kind of making fun of some of his stuff. You could see where that was driving him crazy and pissing him off. Ringo didn’t seem to give a shit about anything going on and was just content to play the drums on whatever songs they asked him to. It’s really too bad these guys couldn’t get along at the end as I would have loved to hear them collaborate in the late 1970s or 1980s (if John wasn’t killed) to see what kind of greatness they could have recorded.
  13. I can tell you I don’t give a shit what Sark did as a coach this year (I actually think he did pretty good with the crap players on the roster) but these next few weeks/months is when we will know if he can turn this around. With the upheaval at OU/LSU he needs to find a way to get these 2022 recruits (and portal kids) into the program. If he is unable to do that he will probably fail after a few years as the roster just doesn’t have enough to talent to compete in the Big 12 let alone the SEC. If he can close some of these big name kids out there and flip some OU/LSU type kids and grab some portal players that can start next year while this class is allowed to develop he could build a power house here at UT.
  14. I for one am super excited about the SEC move. Going forward all of our losses will only count as a half loss since we will be losing to the all mighty SEC teams. Instead of 5-7 this year we would be 5-3 1/2 so a winning record actually.
  15. So Riley is running away from Texas just before Sark turns things around, huh?
  16. How about a little Rambo III when he fights the USSR in Afghanistan. A more obscure one could be The Falcon and the Snowman with Sean Penn. Red Dawn and No Way Out are the answer for best Cold War movies.
  17. I had some pretty good bagels at Zuckers bagels and Smoked Fish a few blocks from Grand Central a few weeks ago even though they messed my order up (they forgot to add onion and cucumber) but the bagel and lox was pretty good. I thought Black Seed bagels at 30 Rock sucked.
  18. The Human Fund is my go to.
  19. What’s the Big 12 gonna do? Kick us out of the league?
  20. 2016 Republican Platform?
  21. My neighbor ordered a Model 3 on October 15th and the Tesla site showed a March/April 2022 delivery. That being said, they delivered the car last week to his house so it only took about 4 weeks for his Blue Model 3 from ordering to arrival.
  22. I would rather be associated with Russian hackers than our TE group.
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