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Everything posted by rungeflash

  1. We're borderline overachieving. We will always have talent. The single biggest reason for our success this year is we aren't turning the fucking ball over. Knock on wood. It's been flat out amazing.
  2. Now that's some next level coaching.....miss olivia hasn't shown that much fire all season
  3. I have no issue with it....but damn, did he have to marry his son?
  4. Ya fuck chip brown.....hope he has an emergency appendectomy on the 18th.....and no net service from the recovery room
  5. Yes they do.....the great November surprise their dirt farmers almanac has been predicting. The damn pictures just seem to be lost in the mail.
  6. oh lordy....
  7. Check recruiting section......fatty patty using it with success on catalon
  8. Ya I butchered that one.... I meant SuperDuperEon
  9. Well, to be fair, I guess new mexico state could be looking for a lunatic that can recruit
  10. 1 - if there were pics they would have been posted ions ago 2 - "gig that motherfucker"......hmmm, gig? Not too many fan bases use that one
  11. You done goofed, zachary.......flown too close to the sun. DaddyTexas going in raw, no wonder he's reach'n 'round
  12. Herby n Urby cum guzzler
  13. Yes....now this bitch is pop'n
  14. I'm watching Julie....so we got the sisters covered
  15. lol good curve ball, I thought someone would say leave shackelford out of this
  16. That fuck is looney and desperate as hell.....TH and family need 24/7 armed protection until he's shackled or succumbs to the heart attack
  17. kirky bowels didn't ask about it? shocker
  18. She's barely a 5.....but mee cock senses she's damn near unstoppable in da sack, especially after g2 n titos
  19. They're still bitter about ending up with chief bromden
  20. Dayum......Julie got a face like Sara Donchey.....but with a whole lotta rosie-booty give me one of them there G2s n vodka
  21. We do not negotiate with terrorists.....especially the coked out variety. He'll croak on his own soon enough
  22. I really figured by this point of the '18 season I'd be using this gif on the beck sucks thread.....but holy fuck, beck really needs to take a swing at orlando's "let em chuck and we duck" defense
  23. Ya, 1 1 1 1 1.0000 seems kinda good. Maybe even greg davis proof
  24. Those were some horrible fucking spots and I was screaming full song at the TV. Always a review to fuck us.....but no review that was clearly warranted that might help us. But what I can't follow as far as this being a conspiracy to nudge the "higher ranked" team over the victory line for the conference's sake.....there is no bigger draw in this conference than to see Texas win. Look at the tv ratings for proof. A Texas/dirt burglar title rematch would be epic $$$ This either boils down to just complete incompetence by the big12 officiating crews and/or individual officials have a level of hate for the Horns that's beyond belief.
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