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Everything posted by rungeflash

  1. The Canopus wires are nice. There’s not as much of a difference as swapping heads….but if you’re looking for every possible thing under your control, and you need some fresh wires, yes, I would recommend these. I also picked up these Canopus bolt tight leather washers…..ok, now these are the best thing since sliced bread. I can’t recommend these enough….yes I would run out and buy these especially if you’re running metal on metal washers or even the plastic sleeved washers or nylon. My toms have never sounded better and I was having a terrible time before with detuning no matter what I used. These not only hold the tune longer but during tuning it is a breeze to dial in evenly rod to rod. That leather has just enough “give”. Very accurate tuning.
  2. Lol. I suppose so. I ordered a 14” set, we’ll see! Those DCP guys “guaranteed” I will hear a difference over almost all factory wires….they recommend the non plated model for wood snares and the chrome plated for metal snares
  3. Any opinions on snare wires? Are snare wires just snare wires….or are these fancy aftermarket sets worth a shot? I’m looking at these Canopus vintage chrome plated 20 strands….they seem to have quite a following https://www.drumcenternh.com/canopus-vintage-snare-wires-14-chrome-plated-cpsl-14np
  4. I like it….just goes to show that you don’t necessarily need sparkle for a finish to look great
  5. This was called copper sparkle and I think, at least on renowns….it was only offered on the european models
  6. Its a boutique drum company located in Houston….i think they even make the stave shells there. I believe the multi ply shells are made overseas….but even those look and sound superb https://www.hendrixdrums.com
  7. Can’t go wrong with the burnt orange….especially contrasted against the silver dots (those fuckers sound GREAT)
  8. Oops…that’s only one….but a really cool one lol. I’ll think about 2 more….
  9. Hendrix drums single stave…Macassar Ebony
  10. Oh ya Royal Blood is badass. My buddy sent me this link a few years ago and I was like wait….wut!? I had never heard of them…came away very impressed.
  11. Ya they did the same thing on the burnt orange kits….only one kick choice 22x14. This also might indicate the Burnt Orange sparkle run is over with. I think it was 3 years. What do you like to tune your kick to? I usually have this 22x14 tuned E (41hz) or F (43hz)…..but I’ve tuned it as low as D (36hz) and it hammers it out with good projection. To me, the limiting tuning factor of the RN2 maple renowns like mine are actually the toms…they really shine mid to mid high tuning…lower tuning not so much.
  12. Whoa….this one slipped by me. Gretsch Renown LTD mahogany shells, marine pearl inlay, 22x14 kick, die cast hoops. New for summer 2023
  13. That’s really nice!
  14. No it is a virgin kick….but sidis needs either a dedicated tom stand…..or tom mount that clamps to a cymbal stand….or I suppose you could even drop it in a snare basket…but I think I’d prefer to have it hang from the suspension And if something is already ordered… just a reminder. Nothing worse than going set something up and an important piece is missing
  15. Speaking of hardware…I was reading the DCP link for that DW kit and it says it doesn’t include the mounting hardware for the rack tom…so you’ll need to pick that up for the 13x9
  16. This was sent to my email…..if anyone is still looking for a great kit, here’s that pearl session kit 5pc in crimson for 1399. Open box https://www.americanmusical.com/pearl-session-sts-5-piece-drum-set-free-14x14/p/DSP-PEASTS925S315
  17. That’s going to be killer, sidis! Nothing stupid about that all. Have you tuned drums in the past? That will be your next challenge once you get the stuff delivered and it’s actually time to set it up.
  18. Jimmy, this Is the most inexpensive lm402 supra I’ve come across if you want to stick with 6.5” depth https://www.ebay.com/itm/194010539164?hash=item2d2bede49c:g:rhUAAOSwmcpgZgQs&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA0Lxn39JNUrTbihRUjHQ0W994S0y15EmHS%2FNwKyPWS7Kw4Vc%2FFGxi8d2fFUg3JoYtJ1Iul5Mxp8UViUoefcXtswkmhRheFBV6I6z3WcV%2FHGH%2BBwniZfKlo8IPfyRNnzyLYWuneb16Wby9F0ynnl1GQQ0DAqAejNLZ6iyb%2FeAE2tNsrLsvPSovbBEldkqypEEPNKufB6cmqWlP5ZQfVQ4fJ43XEXZJq2N7wHIxX8NKZlrbAzpyjUj0%2Fb1QrQCWitEPAw8gZw6POdd6HRtLQ2kqOls%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR_rTkueQYg
  19. Hmmm interesting…..here’s a gibraltar DD for 99 https://www.drumcenternh.com/used-gibraltar-direct-drive-single-bass-drum-pedal-usd-042323-28?tmsb=5kx75wy&tmrl=gtcaude&tmsl=pdp-alternative&tmty=w&exp_slug=ppyeg0h&exp_slugs=ppyeg0h&tmcv=1&tmcs=qj446o5
  20. Pretty clean Tama dyna sync used at DCP. I “think” this would prove bullet proof. https://www.drumcenternh.com/used-tama-dyna-sync-single-pedal-usd-022623-3 Yamaha also makes a very good direct drive….along with others of course
  21. I think conventional wisdom would say the 5” depth would be slightly drier…less ring….than a 6.5. The 6.5 would accentuate more mids and lows out of the overtones. But it’s kind of a crapshoot on that even with shell material, hoops, heads all being equal. As far as pedals…. I use iron cobra and pearl demon….all double chain….no issues. You can go solid “direct drive” lever and those are probably the most robust of all….but very pricey.
  22. 1980s Acrolite….$200. Has some pitting. But looks pretty darn good. Has the internal muffler. Players snare but I’m sure a little elbow grease get it looking just fine https://reverb.com/item/69552932-1980-s-ludwig-5x14-acrolite-snare-drum
  23. Brand new bstock lm400 14x5 $395….outstanding deal https://www.chicagomusicexchange.com/products/ludwig-5x14-supraphonic-snare-drum-1547611?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-f_1lKCl_wIVKTHUAR14ngw4EAQYBCABEgK-rPD_BwE
  24. Sure! I have a “bstock” 14x5 supra I picked up brand new and it is VERY good. They come up every so often brand new in that 410-450 range. I’m sure 300-350 used could snag one. Also, there is the Acrolite and it plays and sounds very similar….should be out there slightly cheaper than the Supra I’ll take a look around and post up a couple links…..
  25. Nice! Ya i listened to a couple vids of the Taylor Hawkins model and it sounds damn nice! But I think the “secret”….and probably his death…means there are none to be found. I did come across a reverb listing where one sold for $100 seven years ago…..but all recent sales have been thru the roof. I think you’re looking north of 500 if you can find one at all lol
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