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Everything posted by TexasIsBetter

  1. Why do we not have Hill on scat everywhere he goes
  2. God fucking sake. I hate this fucking game.
  3. No fucking way. They're gonna call it. But it's no fucjing way it's targeting
  4. Skatafuck is gonna cement his place as the next great white hope by winning this shit
  5. Holy shit, I'm sorry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ at least my wife blames the ref too
  6. Well fuck. Just broke my TV watching that dogs it ref call us for defense holding
  7. Refs didn't lose it for us, but they fucking kept ASU in it
  8. I'm trying. Our football team is making it difficult
  9. I must be behind on the feed a little. Fuck yeah Golden
  10. Goddamnit what in the actual fuck is happening
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