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Everything posted by TexasIsBetter

  1. That was fucking foul
  2. So Brock blocks out, guy jumps over him, knocks both down, foul on Brock? OK. Fuck off refs
  3. CSB time: Made it out with my daughters last night. We had an awesome time. Sat in front of Taylor Jones parents, so that was cool to get to know them. My 7 year old is a big kid just getting into basketball, and Taylor has become her favorite player because "she's taller than the other girls like me." So that was great. A few things: officiating was atrocious. Not sure what game they were watching, but they missed a boatload of fouls and then simple shit like travels. Rori is even more impressive in person. She's such a stud and I'm glad she's on our team These ladies are fun to watch. They're constantly moving and fighting for everything. Texas women's athletics is doing it right by letting these kids interact with the players. I'm sure it's a pain in the ass for them to stay after and sign autographs but man, the light in my daughters' eyes as they get to see the players up close and get a signature or a photo is just phenomenal. Softball has been the same experience. Atmosphere was great. We had a fantastic time. The parking situation at Moody is abysmal.
  4. Couple thoughts... I still have a crush on Bella... I really hope we make a return trip to OKC because my daughter's softball team will be playing in the select tournament that takes place up there at the same time and I'd love so much to see them there with our team. My oldest has already made it a point that she wants to make it to more Texas softball games this season. I can't wait to see these ladies ball out Hook Em
  5. Keontay fumbling at a big moment in the game? I'm shocked
  6. Now that's just good clean fun
  7. Narrator: there wasn't indisputable evidence
  8. Lol drop that F bomb
  9. Light up the tower baby
  10. Close it out ladies
  11. Anybody else on this broadcast rooting for Louisville? Fuck me
  12. How does the top RB in the country not at least get an invite the Heisman ceremony?
  13. For fucks sake there's got to be a Ford dealership in the area to get this man an F250 and an NIL deal
  14. I'm no Simms apologist, but didn't he have a ruptured spleen or some shit and finish a game with the Titans?
  15. So happy for Roschon on senior day. Amazing
  16. In.fucking.credible
  17. Holding on the outside receiver...
  18. Call a motherfucking hold
  19. Jesus Shit Dicks
  20. So fucking unclutch
  21. Delay of game? No? Cool
  22. How about a hands to the face call?
  23. Fuck yeah...now we're working
  24. Now that looked like a competent offense
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