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Everything posted by zzz

  1. Ranger, try installing the Opera browser. It has a free, built-in VPN. My work blocks the best the intertron has to offer, however, I can get to all of it with this setup. I use this exclusively for browsing the Surl. I know my work can't see the traffic because I should get redirected to a page telling me I fucked up when I go someplace I shouldn't. Just remember to clear the history occasionally if you are concerned. Since it is a free VPN, I'm sure all traffic is routed through some Chinese servers somewhere and they are logging everything, so I wouldn't go to any websites that ask for any personal info or passwords, at least that is my personal policy. The VPN is also great for questionable web searches to avoid targeted ads, just make sure the country of origin is USA or some other English speaking country, because if it is set to a foreign country, then the search results may be in that country's language. https://www.opera.com Go here to check where your IP says you are located with the VPN on. https://whatismyipaddress.com
  2. Interactive Brokers was also restricting GME by only allowing you to close positions, so you could sell if already long, but could buy if you were short. TD Ameritrade let me buy it around noon after I was finally able to merely log in to their app. Picked up 3 shares to help the cause, don't care if it goes to $0.
  3. All you of you, shut the fuck up about this nonsense.
  4. intentional grounding no? Didn't get it past the line of scrimmage.
  5. Is this a live look-in at futureman's fisterman's prep work?
  6. They didn't stall out. They went into clock mode to protect their turnover machine rattler. We did jack shit for 3.5 quarters. Their coach knows they have a shit defense and tried to use his best group, his offense, to secure the win by throwing a pass on third down. Their guy dropped it, but if he catches it the game is over. Herman had the same opportunity with his best group on the field and decided to take his chances with our defense. Our team is soft with no killer instinct. I wonder where they get that from?
  7. zzz

    Chris Brown

    The Jolly dance immediately came to mind when I saw that. How embarrassing
  8. zzz

    Picky Eater Test

    North of 25, south of 35. Yes, I'm picky.
  9. Absolutely. A 10,000 btu A/C is going to pull 8-10 Amps. You have around 40Amps available from your 5kW generator.
  10. Or they could responsibly push the fact that masks and social distancing are working and show the positive trends. Give folks some positive encouragement to stay the course. Not everything needs to be fear driven.
  11. ^^He's just mad he's not an eagle scout
  12. Damn he really did throw it over them mountains
  13. lol. I actually searched for 'parachute pants' on giphy and that was one of the results. Here's another sample from the search results.
  14. 'Safety net' maybe? Like a trust fall partner. 'Best' is still debatable.
  15. Damn, he fit all that in his jeans? Must've been a tight fit.
  16. Sweaty arm pits? Trying to make himself look bigger/more intimidating? Just spit ballin here
  17. Stupid sips. He was only unmotivated in the bdf because it wasn't challenging. That won't be the case in the ess arr see. Gump out front should have told ya.
  18. zzz

    Dwyane Wade

    <Doubled checks forum, yup basketball> Fucking cloak room is leaking all over this bitch. Sorry I clicked on this motherfucker. Back to my lurking where sanity prevails.
  19. I know of one in Austin that has proven he can't. Good coaches are good coaches, no matter what players roll through. And Self is that.
  20. Hmm, that is weird. It really weighs on ones mind, doesn't it neighbor?
  21. Which Jeffcoat kid they talkin bout? The one that won the Hendricks Award and Big 12 Co-Defensive Player of the Year his senior year? Looks to me he did fine in college. The fact that the NFL didn't draft him doesn't diminish his accomplishments in college.
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