Ranger, try installing the Opera browser. It has a free, built-in VPN. My work blocks the best the intertron has to offer, however, I can get to all of it with this setup. I use this exclusively for browsing the Surl. I know my work can't see the traffic because I should get redirected to a page telling me I fucked up when I go someplace I shouldn't. Just remember to clear the history occasionally if you are concerned.
Since it is a free VPN, I'm sure all traffic is routed through some Chinese servers somewhere and they are logging everything, so I wouldn't go to any websites that ask for any personal info or passwords, at least that is my personal policy. The VPN is also great for questionable web searches to avoid targeted ads, just make sure the country of origin is USA or some other English speaking country, because if it is set to a foreign country, then the search results may be in that country's language.
Go here to check where your IP says you are located with the VPN on.