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Everything posted by zzz

  1. In accordance with tradition
  2. Easier to clean off that way amirite?
  3. You sure that’s not Wolowitz from Big Bang Theory dressed in drag?
  4. Think he was expecting young to leak out for a dump pass
  5. If you’re gonna lose, you want to lose early. And as far as Herbie the Nostradumbass goes, Clemson lost to Syracuse — SYRACUSE — last year. Shit happens sometimes.
  6. Nah, not gonna take joy in that. Him getting pancaked every snap he plays and ending up emptying the garbage cans on my block, maybe, but not this.
  7. The true sin is writing 'could of' instead of 'could have'.
  8. Texas is nothing like aggy.
  9. If helping young, industrious girls pay their way through college is wrong, then damn it, I don't want to be right!
  10. Give me booty all day long. Wait, what were we talking about again?
  11. The coaster, she ticks higher and higher
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