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Posts posted by FunkSoulBrother

  1. 4 hours ago, quigley said:

    The boom-bust cycle in OU WR receiver recruiting continues. In years that OU doesn't bring in a top QB (even number years), WR recruiting drops too.

    Doesn't really make sense.  Messes up the depth chart and costs scholarships at other positions too.

    Your ‘23 class is looking real good though at WR. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 20 hours ago, SL Xpress said:

    I'd argue it was steeper in 1957 when OU had Bud Wilkinson, A&M had Bear Bryant. And while we didn't realize it at the time, Arkansas was about to hire Frank Broyles. 

    I'd for sure say it was steeper in 1998. Texas had had some limited success, but football had successfully been deemphasized (by the way, some of the same forces are still at work within the athletic department to this day). People who weren't around prior to Mack Brown have no real concept of how apathetic the powers that be were about football, including the athletic department itself. I do not consider myself a huge Mack Brown fan, but almost as important as that 2005 season (and nothing will ever top that for me) was him making it apparent almost immediately after being hired how valuable having football front and center was to UT as a whole. 

    What's going on with NIL currently (or not going on) is criminal towards UT's ability to compete in football in the future. But at least the head of the BOR, the president, and the athletic director consider winning in football important enough that they fired a 7-3 coach coming off a blowout win in the Alamo Bowl mostly because his recruiting had fallen off a cliff. And through some impressive maneuvering, they have us on the brink of getting out of the Big 12, which absolutely had to happen.

    I have no doubt that at some point NIL will be delivering impressive results for Texas athletes, because the competitive pressures are too immense. But the longer that takes to get going, the farther behind Texas is going to be. If the NIL part can be answered, even if it's done outside the athletic department, it makes the head coach job at Texas a lot more competitive, regardless of who it is. 

    Really, the hill has never been more downhill for a Texas coach. Texas is in one of the largest college cities in the country that has zero professional presence. They have arguably the most valuable and recognized brand. They have one of the wealthiest alumni bases with an intense personal, emotional investment in the success of the football team. The NCAA no longer exists as an effective enforcement organization. There's almost no limit on transfers. There's no real limit on paying athletes. They're about to get out of the albatross of a conference they've been in (which was in large part of their own making). 

    There's no excuses left. Either you want to compete among a select few programs who can afford the uncapped payroll for fielding an elite football or men's basketball team or you want to drop out and play in the Championship League instead. There's truly no other program in the country better situated for the new wild wild west of college sports. I am not sympathetic to any kind of bullshit about what other programs can offer. I've been as righteous about the white hat approach that I feel like UT has embodied in many ways as anyone. But the white hat approach no longer exists. 

    So no. The hill being steeper is a load of crap. That's not on you, WinningIsHard, because you make good points. It's simply not the correct mindset. It's focusing on how other programs have performed vis a vis Texas, which is fair to a degree. But what it's really about is the incredible incompetence surrounding the football program since 2009 (really before, when Mack Brown decided he had college football all figured out and didn't have to work so hard any more), and how much we've handcuffed ourselves in the name of trying to do it cleanly. Well, there is no dirty, and there is no clean any more. There's only paying players what you're willing to as a collective, managing to get a head coach who can win at the highest levels, and then keeping that coach.

    How does Texas have people on staff that deemphasize football in a state where football is religion? 

  3. 7 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

    so we are or aren't playing the bag game?

    makes no sense to join a league where the bag game is standard recruiting practice and then not play the game. that's just a recipe to insuring that we continue to lose a shitton of recruits.

    at the very least, we should be doing what everyone else does, pay for visits.

    i don't understand trying to be the one ethical dude among a merry band of cheaters.

    So when can I expect Hartzell and Eltife to go up to the AD and say “adjust or die”?

  4. 2 hours ago, closetojumping said:

    The move to the SEC, as it was coming to a head, took priority above everything at the leadership levels. It sucks, but it's understandable. The current handwringing about NIL here and elsewhere is justified, but this is a temporary issue and remedies across the span of the opportunities for the athletes at UT, for the long term and leveraging competitive advantages few can combat, are being worked on. Ultimately, whatever happens in the 2022 class, should there be casualties, will not be a harbinger for even the near future. 

    Remember that this shit, especially during this cycle, changes rapidly. Billy Liucci funneling $10k to a couple of guys looks amazing until Jamison lands 5 deals on that level or better in the next few months. That's not a distant hope, so let's see how shit unfolds over this period. 

    I said this on another thread last week or early this week, I guess, but "compliance" and one of the major hold-ups for anything getting done with Texas regarding NIL right now is Chris Plonsky. She's fucking buddies with Ketchum and has even "fed" him information over the years when it suited her. That's why he's gotten shit through when no one else has. She's basically looming like a gargoyle over all things NIL and killing it because it threatens the perceived fiefdom of the LHF and the AD. 

    That is about to change, but there are clearly reasons why she hasn't been shown the door previously given that she's a known bureaucratic troll. This is a tipping point and she's not reading the room, however. 

    Not going into any details and not saying I agree, but we didn't lose KG.

    You're looking at a snapshot and this is a moving picture.

    I will agree with everyone that the UT football staff's recruiting engine, currently, looks second rate with the constant flat-footed nature of their handling of twists and turns. This has been one of the greatest 8 days in the history of recruiting cycles for UT and they look like a bunch of monkeys trying to fuck a football.


  5. 9 minutes ago, BornOrange said:

    I predict the following:

    1. Texas plays in the SEC in 2022
    2. Brocks find Alabama tougher than their private school league
    3. Brocks want to transfer to Texas, but get turned down
    4. Brocks end up at SMU
    5. Profit

    6. Fuck the Brocks

    • Hook 'Em 3
  6. On 7/13/2021 at 5:28 PM, Fudbelty said:

    Anyone know what happened to the Chinese microchip factory?

    I think like said above this is still because of Covid. Factories didn’t produce, laid of staff, and are having hell getting parts. Shipping of goods international is a nightmare still.

    All that and I’d say this is probably the highest demand of any console gen yet. More and more exposure to video games in all walks of life and people around my age(40) are still purchasing and playing while we have kids who are also playing and wanting.

    More people wanting to stay at home due to pandemic helped cause that. But also, scalpers and their bots are making it more difficult for gamers to get these consoles as you can only purchase them online.

  7. Yeah GameStop is the best to get a PS5 especially if you have a Pro membership. They only sell bundles and scalpers hate those. For those still looking for a PS5, hopefully y'all get an invite soon from Playstation Direct. It's how my coworker finally got hers. But yes, you will need to be on Twitter and follow guys like Matt Swider, Jake Randall etc. and turn on notifications. Also, check out Jake Randall's YouTube videos on how to get a PS5 from each retailers. There's a whole lotta tricky things you gotta do and he has good guides how to do it. Try getting one now because come October it's gonna get a lot harder. Good luck!

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