I've realized that I'm an internet Luddite. Surly and a little Reddit are the only "social media" that I use or care about. I typically only watch YouTube if I have a specific purpose in mind. I don't want to listen to your fucking podcast.
I just want to read interesting shit on the internet. Read being the key word. You know, blogs. I realize that market is dying, or has all moved to Substack or something, but I want suggestions if you have them. Bonus points if it has an RSS feed, because I'm a dinosaur that still thinks that RSS is cool.
Here's a list of things I currently read on a daily basis. If you know some more stuff along these lines, post 'em here and I'll check it out.
The Athletic (various teams/sports)
Fangraphs - maybe the best no bullshit, read-interesting-stuff website left on the internet (if you like baseball, at least). My $60 annual membership is money well spent IMO
MLB Trade Rumors
ArsTechnica - Great for tech/science stuff
Engadget - Not as good as Ars, but still has interesting stuff from time to time
Stereogum - New music recs
Texas Tribune - Free Texas news
Houston Landing - Free Houston news
Tedium.co - Just found this one the other day. Basically just one guy blogging about weird, interesting tech-y things.
Bill Simmons used to be a big player in this niche until a few years ago. Grantland was pretty much exactly what I want. The early Ringer was good too, but it's pivoted to about 90% podcast content which is not what I'm looking for.