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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by tokamak

  1. Dang, this is ruining my previously high opinion of Nikki Haley.
  2. Well his entire campaign was basically “Greg Abbott and Dan Patrick will be nice to us now because I’ve worked with them for a long time” which is preposterous.
  3. A fucking rocket into the sun would do that, too.
  4. I'm a little worried about her, TBH. She had that mental health situation or whatever. I think it's completely reasonable that some people just may not be wired to deal with all the bullshit that comes with being elected to high executive office. I probably wouldn't be. Rumor is that Annise Parker is gonna challenge her.
  5. When I got home tonight my wife had just opened a bottle of champagne. On a related note, I am now drinking Ocho blanco out of a used champagne flute, because I’m a classy bitch like that.
  6. That is exactly what it seems like to me. Someone turned his head in a way that LSU couldn’t match. Hope it was us.
  7. Epic lineup. I recommend you try one of each and report back.
  8. Saban did Bama a huge favor by sticking around long enough for the shine to come off that goober.
  9. Hell yeah I have, that’s my shit. Check post #282.
  10. I think so. There’s some Austin connection, at least.
  11. Like hogs at a trough. Tax dollars -> corporatized charter school networks -> political contributions. And the majority of voters will lap it up. Really impressive long con they’ve run.
  12. 450 people were outside my zoned middle school this morning because HISD is firing the popular principal with no reason given. At this point it’s really hard to see all this as anything other than an effort to tear the district down completely.
  13. I haven’t had Lalo yet, but they’re getting really good distribution. I was just at Hobby airport and all the bars there basically had your usual celebrity stuff…and Lalo.
  14. No water this time to satisfy @texasdago Like eating a bowl of vegetables. A little on the warm side. Very complex. An exceptionally well made tequila although I have to admit not my favorite flavor profile.
  15. I definitely think there's a movement of people experimenting with other species of agave and doing interesting artisanal stuff with it. But also pretty sure that if you distill anything other than blue agave specifically, you've made mezcal, not tequila.
  16. Yeah we are really lucky. Of course there’s rare and special stuff out there, but by and large the best tequila is readily available and costs less than $100 per bottle. Only thing we really have to worry about is that it takes agave plants 7+ years to grow.
  17. I’m watching the Tom Brady deal. There is a LOT of coke involved here.
  18. Somehow I've been sleeping on Hank Mobley my entire life. Like, I knew of him of course, just never dug in before. Bummer because I've missed out all these years, but great because now I can go through the whole damn discography and it's all fresh.
  19. PSA: Spec's is having a sale on tequila and mezcal for the entire month of May. I stopped in a small location in Houston today and didn't see anything scorching hot, but it might be worth a look. I asked the guy working there if it was the same bottles on sale all month, or if it was going to rotate. He looked at me like I was speaking Mandarin Chinese, so who knows.
  20. Harris County here. They hit me with a 10.5% increase. I uploaded some comps and photos showing that the house will need foundation work eventually and they just came back with an online offer of 2.6% increase. Y'all think I should take that? Honestly I think we should be flat or even down a little bit given the market in the neighborhood, but I doubt they'll see it that way. I'm leaning toward taking it.
  21. No children's hospitals left in the state?
  22. Doesn’t have to be a pilot. As for Stowa, I don’t want another one. Love my Marine but want to mix it up, brand-wise.
  23. I tend to go for a simpler, more classic look. My two current auto watches are an Aqua Terra and a Stowa Marine. I tend to be biased toward brands with a significant watchmaking history. I've had my eye on an IWC Pilot lately, but also thinking about getting something less expensive now and then something else in a year or so. Hence the post. Nomos is a great suggestion, I love their aesthetic. I also like that Horage in your 2nd post, but not as familiar with that brand. That probably gives you an idea of where my head is at.
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