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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by tokamak

  1. Orinoco Tuna tostadas at Contramar. Delicious and light. Lamb mixiote Green chorizo from a stall at the Mercado de Jamaica. Wife’s favorite. It was indeed delicious. Maque
  2. I'm gonna be 100% honest with y'all. I've been following recruiting for 20+ years now (jesus...), and I've never really known or cared who works for what site, what site is affiliated with what national network, and so on. It all seems to get shuffled around every 18 months anyway. Feels like Bobby in particular has worked for damn near all of these things at one point or another. People post stuff here, and I read it. That works for me.
  3. Would be interesting to see some metric of NFL success as well. Were Bama guys under Saban truly just developed into better football players, or were they benefiting from a halo effect and being overdrafted because Bama?
  4. It must've gone way up post-pandemic. I don't think we ever even saw a menu, they just started bringing us food. Their website says the tasting menu is ~$250 per person, or ~$380 with the pairing. I tipped them well, too. I know it's not as much of a thing there but there were like 4 people taking care of us and they were crushing it.
  5. Just got back from our 5 night trip. Here's a lot of thoughts from a first-time visitor. Quintonil was elite. It'll go toe-to-toe with any meal you can get in the States. Food, drinks, and service were all A+. Only the desserts were like an A- for me. It's very, very expensive (we spent around a grand for 2x tasting menu, 2x glasses of champagne, 1x wine pairing, 3x cocktails, and my wife wanted to buy their book [which the chef signed for us, which was cool]). Contramar lived up to the hype. Great food; excellent, quick service. We didn't have to wait at all at about 1:00 pm on a Tuesday. Some tuna tostadas and micheladas hit the motherfucking spot after a morning at the pyramids. Azul Historico was a big disappointment. My wife got overcooked shrimp in flavorless adobo sauce. My mole enchiladas were overly sweet and otherwise lacking in flavor as well. Guac looked and tasted like something that came out of a big plastic tub. Service was meh. Cool atmosphere, but you can skip this one. Maque for breakfast was very good. Our tour guide joked that it's the place you take your mom for brunch for her birthday and she wasn't wrong. TBH my favorite bite of the entire trip, including Quintonil and Contramar, might have been the beautiful simplicity of a fresh chocolate concha at Maque. I'll admit that I fucking love conchas anyway though. Taqueria Orinoco was fine. I mean, it's Mexico City and it's tacos, so yeah it tasted great. Didn't seem like anything particularly special though. I think there are 5,000 places in the city where you can get tacos just like this. Instagram hype from gringos, IMO. Mercado Roma is a skip. Not bad, but every American city has at least one hipster food hall exactly like this nowadays. Half the counters were vacant anyway. Also hot af inside. You can do better. We didn't hit a lot of nightlife because we were wiped out most evenings (more on that in a minute). We stayed at the Ritz (splurge/special occasion trip) and the bar there was pretty fucking cool. It's the Ritz so not exactly a wild young crowd, but floor-to-ceiling 360 degree panoramic views of the city from the 38th floor is hard to beat. Pricey drinks, but whatever. The restaurant at the Ritz (same floor) was surprisingly good and more reasonably priced than the bar. Speaking of nightlife, I'm a tequila drinker and I found it funny that the tequila selection in CDMX, even at nice places, is demonstrably worse than what you'll typically find in the States. A lot of just run-of-the-mill shit like Herradura and Don Julio. Maestro Dobel is big. Overall, mezcal seems much more prominent than tequila, and it's not really my thing. I don't know nearly as much about it and don't have any confidence picking good ones from a menu. We did Museo Soumaya because literally nothing else is open on Monday. Great building, OK collection. Anthropology Museum is very well done. Another cool building. Probably only about 30% of signs have English translations, but they have an app that helps some. An extended visit might be a hard sell for someone not really interested in the subject material. My wife kept joking, "oh look, another room full of pots, sculptures, and bones". I actually liked the Chapultepec Castle (history museum) more than Anthropology. Very nice collection and some great Juan O'Gorman murals although again nowhere near 100% English signage. Google Translate works well. They had a little section on the Texas Revolution, pretty interesting from a Mexican perspective. We didn't hit Centro Historico as much as I had planned. Took a peek at the Zocalo, saw Ballet Folklorico at Palacio de Bellas Artes, and that was about it. The pedestrian walk from Zocalo to PdBA felt touristy as shit to me. They may as well build a Senor Frog's on that street. Regarding the pyramids, we did one of the hot air balloon tours. It started ass early in the morning but was worth it, IMO. Very cool, unique, and serene experience. The company we went with was Volare and everything seemed professional, safe, and well-organized. Did a street food tour with these guys (actually gals, it's 100% women-run): Eat Like a Local. Cool tour, great guide, would recommend. Holy fuck the traffic is absurd. HOLY FUCK. I'll never complain about traffic ever again. I don't understand how anyone that drives there isn't a raving lunatic by now. We ended up walking a lot more than I anticipated because Uber is just so fucking slow that it doesn't buy you much time. Uber is cheap and easy but its time estimates are total bullshit for CDMX. Overestimate how long it takes to get anywhere, and then double that. I'm serious. We'd call Uber and then just stand there for 15 minutes watching the guy sit perfectly still 4 blocks away because he can't move anywhere. We tried the subway once and it was closed with no warning/explanation. The pollution/altitude combo is legit, be prepared. I felt kinda crappy our first morning there because of altitude, and we were both blowing giant black snot rockets the entire time. Overall, fucking awesome city. To be able to get that much culture less than a 2 hour flight from Texas is incredible. We could've spent a month there and not hit all the things on my list. Will be back for sure.
  6. Sounds way more interesting than going 9-8 and a first round playoff exit every year, which is what is actually going to happen. Sure, in theory the Cowboys’ structural problem (ownership by the Jones family) is less impossible to overcome than Nebraska’s (it’s in fucking Nebraska lol). But in practice, the chance that the Jones family relinquishes control of team is about the same as the chance that Lincoln, NE transforms into Los Angeles.
  7. Are we the Nebraska of the NFL? Thoroughly passed up by the rest of the NFL with no realistic pathway back to relevance without huge structural change that is not likely to happen anytime soon? But since we won some shit 30 years ago a subset of fans will always feel like we’re entitled to be good and a return to those glory days is just right around the corner. I’m going to pick some other random team that doesn’t give a single fuck about us and start blaming them for all our problems. Guys, the Pittsburgh Steelers did this to us! It’s their fault! If they hadn’t started Steelers Network, we wouldn’t be fucking useless for the rest of eternity!!
  8. A tale as old as time. "Well, they don't mean MY union" (narrator: they do).
  9. Bro they are suburban white people from Alabama. We should just be thankful it's not Bynnyttleigh. Sometimes they pack a few sympatico demographics together. Looking at this map, 18 is pretty much Blacks and 29 is Latinos. But 38 is a mix of super rich old money whites and exurban aggy whites. 9 is mostly Black but with a sprinkling of both well off and working class whites. 7 is actually quite a mashup of rich whites, yuppie whites, Blacks, and (South) Asians.
  10. He might be. They weren't exactly Wu-Tang. IIRC, G-reg and one other guy were passable and the rest were straight trash.
  11. Whatcha name? G-reg. Whatcha do? Get head. I think about it pretty much every time I see him on TV.
  12. Yeah getting ready by the 20th seems like a stretch. I assume people will be out of town for spring break this month (myself included). Maybe post on the baseball board to see if we can get some more participants? Or we could try AL/NL only if we don't get many more. Never done that before but that might be a better option than everyone having stacked superteams.
  13. Would someone mind listing a "realistic best-case scenario" class? There's a ton of names floating around right now.
  14. The pregame and postgame difference could not have been more stark. I was euphoric walking in to the stadium, I remember it clearly. By the 2nd half the stadium was like a morgue. No excitement, no enthusiasm whatosever from fans or team. Damn right on Sark. We are just in such a better place right now. I mean, thanks to them for their service to Texas football and all, but check out our offensive skill position "talent" from that day: GG, Tre Newton, Cody Johnson, Fozzy Whittaker, Malcolm Williams, Marquise Goodwin, John Chiles. Yech. Hats off to Goodwin for hanging around the NFL for several years, but the rest of that group is pretty rough.
  15. I think it's the culture of the organization. There's no way to have so many talented teams on paper and not make it to a single NFC Championship game in 30 years unless something in the organization is rotten to the core. Jerry treats the players and coaches as his buddies and playthings, he doesn't demand excellence from them. Strive for greatness every fucking day or you'll be replaced by someone who will. You haven't accomplished shit just by being on the Dallas Cowboys.
  16. I got you fam. I had just moved to Houston in the fall of 2010. I was so excited for the first game against Rice, just minutes from my new home! We had just played for the MNC! We were ranked #5 preseason! This is the year! I was fucking hammered by kickoff. And then....we kinda looked shitty. HornFans or Shaggy, can't remember which we were on back then, did its usual "a win is a win! some of y'all will never be happy!", but nothing could hide the fact that we looked bad against a bad Rice team.
  17. Actually one last parting shot before I’m out. Anyone posting stuff like “Trump is only winning 70% and that is very bad for him” needs to shut the fuck up. That is a terrible take. Nikki Haley is a big name, was a governor and UN ambassador, and had a lot of money behind her. If someone like, say, Pete Buttigeig was running against Biden, he’d be siphoning off 35% too.
  18. Do y’all want to see how fucked we are? https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1b7pfa2/how_are_you_feeling_about_the_inevitable_trump_v/ One trillion upvotes this morning for variations on “these guys both suck”. Not one single top post calling out the false equivalency. I think I’m done with this thread and this election cycle. Quickly losing my will to give a fuck. If a majority of voters think there’s any comparison at all between these two guys, we deserve every last shit sandwich headed our way.
  19. tokamak

    Texas Primaries

    I googled "Ken Paxton primary endorsements" and just voted the opposite lol. I'm not joking. I was a juror in Kyle Carter's court (125th) a few years back. He was very professional and seemed to run a nice tight ship from what I could tell. Also had an Earl Campbell Texas jersey hanging in his office. Not sure why he attracted primary challengers. That's all I got on judicial races.
  20. He’s been 165 since he stepped on campus. At this point, I don’t think it’s happening.
  21. The Batman. The new one with Robert Pattinson. Very good but holy shit it’s long. They should have cut like an hour out of this thing.
  22. Wow that is an incredible time for him
  23. I watched LA Confidential for the first time last night. Always wanted to see it, just never have. It's on Netflix now. I ate a large gummy before watching so I was definitely all up inside my head the whole time. Before I get attacked, I agree that it's a great movie overall and I was thoroughly entertained. That said, in my altered state of mind a couple things stuck out at me: The lead characters sometimes came across as caricatures with one-dimensional motivations, especially Guy Pearce and Russell Crowe. I did feel like they hinted at something a little deeper with Kevin Spacey (who was great, even though we now know he's a creep). Some of the dialogue was very on the nose, and the characters' big dramatic revelations were telegraphed. Along the same lines, Kim Basinger's character basically just existed to be a sex object for the lead male characters. I skimmed a little bit and was surprised that contemporary reviews didn't call them out more for this. I couldn't decide as I watched if the filmmakers deliberately made these choices as an homage/tribute to real old school film noir type stuff, or if these were just flaws in the script. Definitely want to rewatch it while sober and see what I think.
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