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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by tokamak

  1. One of the most beautiful women ever, IMO
  2. Very, very rarely use it on my phone, but we have a couple HomePods.
  3. Sportrac prediction for Dak's extension, just to give you a little Friday afternoon ragebait.
  4. The biggest question of all here is why on earth Tyreek Hill has a football camp and why any sane person would sign their kid up for it.
  5. tokamak

    Texas Primaries

    Yeah Harris County has a shitload of aggys in Cypress, Katy, etc.
  6. Didn’t realize there is a Mac app. I use Windows PCs at work and at home. Even so, I still find it strange there’s no web version. There’s web Apple Music, for example. And they let people embed Apple Maps (DuckDuckGo, for example), so it seems like the technology is already pretty much in existence. I could rant all day about Siri. It’s shit. My (least) favorite thing ours does is when you say “add red salsa to the grocery list” it adds “red” and “salsa” separately. Every. Fucking. Time. Ask for green salsa? No problem. Purple salsa? No fucking problem. Red salsa? Fuck you, human.
  7. The problem with Apple Maps is that its reviews are through Yelp. Obviously reviews on Google Maps have their own set of issues, but Yelp is pure trash. Also, no web version of Apple Maps is just fucking silly. It's never going to replace Google Maps entirely for me because I can't, for example, save a map of interesting restaurants before I go on a trip. I guess Gen Z will happily do shit like that on their phone, but I want a real web interface and mouse and keyboard.
  8. Given how fucking worthless Siri is, you couldn't pay me to get in a car driven by that dumb bitch.
  9. I wish I shared some of y'all's optimism. Biden won GA, AZ, and WI by a COMBINED 40k votes, out of 11.5 million cast in those states. That's nothing. That's noise in the data. And that was when Joe was 4 years younger, and everyone was sick of 4 years of Trump chaos, and Trump was thick in the middle of his shitty handling of the pandemic and the associated economic crisis.
  10. I'm a page behind but Haley primary voters will come home to Trump in November. They hate Democrats much more than they dislike Trump.
  11. Random conspiracy theory thought from this morning: I wonder if Bibi is dragging his feet on a cease fire because it hurts Biden politically. I mean, obviously Bibi doesn't want a cease fire for a whole lot of reasons, but feels like that motivation could be in the mix there, too.
  12. I’m down to take y’all’s money again
  13. tokamak

    Texas Primaries

    The TDP is pretty worthless indeed if it hasn’t occurred to them that a significant number of their voters are voting in Republican primaries.
  14. Someone should ask those big brains who they think Netanyahu would prefer in the oval office.
  15. Seriously though, LSU is putting together a monster class. They think Kelly is the guy so they’re going all in. I think Moore will be a really hard pull.
  16. May have something to do with managing to go 8-5 with a Heisman winner and #1 overall draft pick at QB.
  17. Well the Republican response to basically the same situation has been to let Jill Stein take over the entire party.
  18. tokamak

    Texas Primaries

    I vote in R primaries all the time. The average Democratic candidate tends to be acceptable to me. On the other hand, the R primary will usually be like 3 total lunatics and 1 functioning adult. Given that breakdown, the logical decision feels like voting in the R primary. I do get a ton of very right-wing mail, but that's useful in its own way. I take the most unhinged stuff and use it as an (anti-)voting guide. If your mailer is touting an endorsement from Ken Paxton, then I know you ain't my guy. I'm sure my mail man thinks I'm a real piece of work, though.
  19. That seems like the consensus in the tequila world, too. The only ones I've seen rated well are George Strait's and, shockingly, Sammy Hagar/Guy Fieri's.
  20. I mean....they won. Thoroughly and lastingly. What's more for them to discuss? Our political system is still working out the exact details, but abortion won't be legal again nationwide for a long time, if ever.
  21. Have celebrities gotten into the bourbon game yet? I've been getting into tequila (see the other thread) and holy shit, half of the new ones are owned by celebrities and marketed through social media. Saw one at the liquor store yesterday I hadn't heard of, googled it, and it's owned by Kendall fucking Jenner. JFC. What's funny is they tend to very much downplay it on the packaging. Unless you do some serious research, or are active on SM (I'm not), you'd never know in most cases. If I were a more cynical guy, I'd say it's almost like they're trying to fool people who are just browsing the liquor store and not directed to their product by an Instagram post.
  22. "Outside influences" meaning people that are disturbed by a star player bullying his teammate with a very dangerous prank and then receiving a slap on the wrist for it?
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